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Smolder (Wildwood 2)

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Chapter Eleven

DELILAH TOOK WREN home per Lane’s request while he drove his mother back to her house along with a to-go bag from the Bigfoot Diner. She wanted to be there for her friend but really she’d done it for Lane. He’d even added a please, and of course she’d agreed, telling him anytime he needed her, she’d be there.

“See?” his mother had said, nudging him in the ribs. She’d turned toward Delilah, her mouth open as if she were about to say something else, but Lane cut her off, taking hold of her arm and steering her outside to where he’d parked.

Leaving Delilah a confused, mixed-up mess.

“I’m taking her to the lab in the morning so she can get those tests taken care of.” Wren shook her head. “I hope she’s okay.”

“I’m sure she is. If she wasn’t, they probably would’ve kept her overnight.”

“True. But what if they find something? What if she’s got . . . I don’t know, cancer or something. I can’t even wrap my head around the possibilities, you know? It’s scary. She’s my mom. She’s always been there for me. Always the strong one, the person who tries her best to make sure everything’s okay.” Wren sounded tearful, and she sniffed as a broken laugh escaped. “I’m an emotional mess. This is ridiculous.”

“When was the last time you saw your mom?” Delilah knew all of the Gallagher children had grown distant from their parents with the exception of Holden and sometimes Wren. Though none of them really wanted to spend time with their father, they did always try to see their mom.

“We met for breakfast early last week. That’s why I reached out to Lane. She didn’t look good, though it was Holden who originally said she wasn’t really acting right. Once I saw her, I knew something was up.” Wren shrugged, keeping her gaze on the passenger side window. “I’m a shitty daughter.”

“No, you’re a great daughter who’s watching out for her mother. Don’t beat yourself up, Wren. You’re just trying to ensure she’s healthy. Your mom will be thankful for it in the long run.”

“I hope so. She acted irritated with me before we left.”

Angela had. She’d told Wren it was no big deal over and over again and chastised both her and Lane for calling an ambulance. She’d even complained about the cost and her worry that her insurance wouldn’t cover it. Lane had reassured her he would take care of the cost if that was the case but that shut her up for only so long.

Delilah could only imagine the nagging Lane’s mom was giving him at that very moment while he drove her home.

She dropped Wren off with a promise of getting together for lunch tomorrow. As she was driving home, she got a text from Lane.

What are you doing right now?

Her heart raced at seeing those six not-so-simple words. Was he asking her to come over? Or did he just want to talk? He was probably stressed out over what had happened with his mom, but why didn’t he just unload on his brother or sister? Because maybe he might like her and possibly even . . . need her?

Rolling her eyes at herself, she kept driving, afraid she’d get in an accident if she texted him. Plus, he was a man of the law. He would probably write her a freaking ticket if he knew she was texting and driving.

Her phone dinged again within minutes with a new message.


Delilah laughed and texted a quick response while at a stop sign.

I’m driving.


She pulled over to the side of the road.

I just dropped off Wren. I’m headed home.

No reply. She waited a minute. Checked her e-mail. Another minute. Checked Instagram. Another two minutes. Still no text.

Ugh. Men. They made her insane. Lane was running hot and cold and making her crazy like usual. Why had she thought one naked night between them would change everything? Apparently old habits died really hard.

It was when she pulled back onto the road that he decided to reply.

You should come over.

“Seriously right now?” Okay, she was trying to act annoyed but inside, her vital organs were jumping around and dancing a jig. She would love to come over. But she should probably play it cool. Play a little hard to get. She’d chased after him for months. For years. And now she finally had him where she wanted him.

Delilah frowned. Forget that. She wasn’t a game player. So no way should she play hard to get. Pulling over again, she typed a quick response.

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