Smolder (Wildwood 2) - Page 41

Delilah had been feeling so inspired she’d scrolled through sites online, finding a few competitions close by and noting them on her calendar. She was excited by the possibilities, excited for the future of her business, and so incredibly thankful her thoughts this morning weren’t totally wrapped up in Lane.

He couldn’t be her end all, be all. He just . . . couldn’t. It was dangerous becoming hung up on Lane. She already was. She couldn’t let sex take her semiobsession even further.

“Dee.” Wren waved her fingers in front of Delilah’s face, pulling her from her thoughts. “Where’d you go?”

“She’s all dreamy. And she’s only ever dreamy when it has to do with a guy.” Harper’s knowing smile couldn’t be missed. “You’re thinking about Lane.”

“Ew,” Wren said, shaking her head. “I really hate how you both have fallen for my brothers.”

“You do not.” Harper nudged Wren’s side with her elbow. “You love it. We could all be family someday, you know.”

The mere thought made Delilah’s heart race. They’d known each other for what felt like forever but she knew mentioning the possibility of marriage to Lane would freak him out. Crap, it was freaking her out, and she’d had a thing for Lane for years. This was her dream come true, what she’d wanted for far too long.

Harper and Wren were still squabbling when Delilah interrupted them. “I was with Lane last night.”

Her friends went silent, turning to look at her with wide eyes.

“All night,” she emphasized, making Harper grin and Wren grimace.

“Oh my God, you had sex with Lane. Wow,” Harper said, clapping her hands together. “So are you two like . . . official now?”

“Give me a break,” Delilah muttered, taking another sip of her Coke. She wished she had something stronger. She suddenly needed it. “You know how it is with Lane.”

“Have you talked to him today?” Wren asked.

Delilah shook her head. “Not since this morning when I left his place.”

Harper looked downright giddy. “I can’t believe it. So how was it?”

“Dude, you have no shame.” Wren stuck her fingers in her ears. “I don’t want to hear any details.”

“She’s such a party pooper.” Harper rolled her eyes.

“That’s my brother you’re talking about, not that you care considering you’re banging my other brother. It’s like a conspiracy or something, I swear,” Wren said.

“You can give me details later, when she’s not around,” Harper said, laughing.

Harper’s grandma appeared at their table to take their orders. “So your mama is all right?” she asked Wren. “I heard about what happened yesterday. I hope she’s feeling better today.”

“She is, thank you. The testing went well and she’s at home resting. I’m going to stop by and check on her later this afternoon,” Wren said.

After Harper’s grandma walked away, they talked about Angela Gallagher and how she was feeling, what the possible problems could be and what she might need to do if it was something serious. Though both Harper and Delilah reassured Wren that it was most likely nothing, none of them really knew. Delilah was just glad for the change of subject. She didn’t want to talk about her and Lane. It made her feel weird. Uncomfortable.

Yes, they’d had a great time last night. Yes, the chemistry between them was still undeniable. Yes, her body lit up just thinking about him. She wanted more. She wanted to roll around in his bed all day and night. Just the two of them, isolated from the world, caught up in their own little bubble.

But that wasn’t reality. There were other things going on. Delilah had a business not just to run, but to expand and grow. Lane was busy with work and family problems. His mom needed him. His siblings needed him too. They were both swamped.

Maybe this wouldn’t work for them after all.

LANE DROVE AIMLESSLY around town, his mind not on the job but on other things. His mom. Her health. Wondering what the hell was wrong with her. Hoping it wasn’t anything too bad—though deep in his gut, he was afraid it was something horribly serious.

And if he wasn’t thinking about his mother, his thoughts drifted to Delilah, and that was almost worse. What had happened last night had been nothing short of amazing.

The sex was scorching. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. She couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him. They’d been up most of the night, talking and having sex. Eating and telling each other they needed to go to bed, only to fall back into each other’s arms and go at it again. Like two out-of-control addicts who couldn’t get enough of each other.

It had been awesome. Mind-blowing. And eye-opening. Everything was so good between them. Too good.

Scary good—and that always meant it would eventually go bad.

Tags: Karen Erickson Wildwood Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024