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Smolder (Wildwood 2)

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His heart felt like it was cracked wide open. He couldn’t imagine letting Delilah go. Not now. Not . . . ever. “Are you saying I don’t deserve her?”

“No. You are.”

DELILAH PACED THE short length of her living room, anxiously awaiting Lane to show up on her doorstep. It was just past eight fifteen and he’d texted her over an hour ago, saying he wanted to come over. Of course, she’d agreed. She always agreed when it came to Lane.

He was her biggest weakness. And her one true . . .


She’d worried about him all afternoon, despite her anger. The fire up on Ridge Point Road had grown all afternoon and was now burning over one hundred acres. More engines had been called in and West had gone back to work about an hour ago. Harper was keeping her informed and she appreciated the gesture.

Though really Harper had called to express her worry for West and how sometimes she really hated his job. Delilah had reassured her that West would be just fine but secretly, she could relate. They might live in a small town where nothing much seemed to happen, but Lane put his life on the line every single day when he went into work.

And it freaked Delilah out.

If they were ever to become something serious—keep dreaming!—would she be able to handle his job and the stresses that came with it? What if he ever got hurt? Just thinking that way left her short of breath. She couldn’t imagine something actually happening to him . . .

There was a knock at the door and she rushed to answer it, relieved to find Lane standing in front of her in one piece, looking beyond handsome in a pair of jeans and a dark gray polo shirt. His hair was damp as if he’d just come out of the shower, but his eyes were tired. He looked like he wanted to collapse into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours.

“Hey,” he said, his gaze roaming over her appreciatively. She’d worn a strappy sundress she knew he’d like. “You look pretty.”

Pleasure at his words and the look in his eyes made her stand up straighter. “You look good too, though a little tired.”

“It’s been a—hard day.”

She wanted to wrap him in her arms and offer him comfort but she restrained herself. She should still be mad, not wanting to take care of him. “What’s going on with the fire?”

“They’re having a hard time getting a handle on it. The weather doesn’t help matters.” He grimaced. “They’re starting to think it’s arson after all. Whoever’s doing this is getting out of control.”

The restaurant fire was bad enough. That had put people at risk. But this new fire had the potential to put hundreds of Wildwood residents in danger. “That’s awful,” Delilah said softly.

“I know. It’s bad. But it feels like everything’s been bad lately.”

“Oh, come on. It hasn’t been all bad.” If he was implying their getting together was part of the bad in his life she might sock him.

“No, you’re right. It’s just been a little rough.” He smiled sheepishly. “Okay, a lot rough.”

And who was at fault for that? She decided not to call him out on it. “Where did you want to go to eat?”

“Would you hate me if I suggested the BFD?”

She almost suggested going somewhere else but she realized that by showing up at the Bigfoot Diner, they would be among locals. Yes, the tourists loved that place but so did the residents of Wildwood. If they showed up together, they were definitely going to stir up some gossip.

“We can go there,” she said slowly. “If you want.”

“I do. I’m starving. Though I also . . . we should talk first.” The look on his face terrified her. He wasn’t going to give her some we should just be friends speech, was he? They were too far gone for that. No way could they go back to being only friends. She was in love with him. She loved him. Wanted to spend her life with him. Fine, his job scared her but what was even scarier? The idea of Lane not being in her life at all.

No way could she let that happen.

He needed to apologize though. Tell her he was sorry for being such a world-class fuck-up. For always pushing her away.

“Well, come in then.” She opened the door wider to let him in, proud that her voice wasn’t shaking and that she appeared perfectly calm. He walked inside and she shut the door behind him, about to offer him something to drink when he swept her up into his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

So thoroughly, she was left breathless.

“Sorry. Had to get that out of the way,” he said once he came up for air, not sounding sorry at all. He released her and she practically stumbled out of his arms, feeling like a fool.

“Um, yeah. That’s fine.” It was more than fine. Ugh, she should’ve shoved him away but that proved impossible. With the kiss he just laid on her, she couldn’t believe she was still standing. And somehow he’d moved so fast he was already sitting on her couch, patting the empty spot beside him, indicating he wanted her to join him.

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