Indulgent Pleasures - Page 15

He hoped she’d keep saying yes throughout the rest of the night.

Chapter Six

Were the planets in perfect alignment? Was there some sort of cosmic energy that brought Justin back to her? Could that explain why everything was unfolding this way?

She’d thought about Justin, boom, he’d appeared on the cover of the magazine earlier today. She told herself she most definitely couldn’t see him again and wham, he showed up at her apartment tonight. She warned herself she shouldn’t play with fire and blammo, she agreed to accompany Justin the raging inferno to dinner. And by the look on his face, it told her he was more than ready to consume her inch by blessed inch.

God, she hated to admit it but she’d let him, too. He looked amazing dressed in a navy blue polo shirt and faded jeans, his dark hair mussed by the wind and his eyes sparkling with heat every time he looked at her.

Ha. Well of course, he looked good. That gorgeous face and amazing body would look good in a paper sack.

Now she was riding in his equally amazing car, a Mercedes something or other, some rare model that only a select few in the entire world owned or some such thing. That’s what he’d told her, his voice filled with pride as his hand had smoothed over the sleek black hood like a proud father with his precious baby.

Yes, she’d grown jealous of a car. Watching his hand sliding over what was nothing but a hunk of metal had given her tingles and made her toes curl. Memories flooded her of that one illicit moment they shared. His mouth on hers, his hands on her breasts and his cock buried deep inside her.

She sighed. Here was her chance to reenact another sexual fantasy. It was as if it was meant to be between her and Justin. She needed to take this opportunity and run with it.

“So where are we going?” She needed to make idle conversation and try to break the tension that was brewing between them.

“A little restaurant downtown. It’s a real hole in the wall. I hope you like Italian.” He glanced at her, a tiny smile curving his lips and she sw

ore she melted a little bit in her butter soft leather seat.

“I love Italian. I just hope I’m dressed right.” She glanced down. He hadn’t let her have a chance to change. She’d never even gone into her apartment. He’d merely whisked her away by the hand and led her to his fancy car. She’d had to shove her mail into her purse.

Everything had been a complete whirlwind from the moment she set eyes upon him.

“Trust me you look perfect.”

His compliment warmed her and she covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers, hiding the smile that grew.

He was certainly a flatterer and a definite charmer. He knew how to say just the right things to please her. Was it inherent or did he use those lines on every woman he met? She had no way of knowing.

Her brows furrowed. Her self-doubt was going to eat her up inside. She needed to stop thinking about the bad stuff and go with the flow. Like the fact that she was almost guaranteed another romp with Justin. Justin Hawkins, former professional baseball player.

Her boss would shit. Her friends would freak. Heck, her father would lose his mind if he knew his daughter was sitting in a car with The Hawk. She’d called her mother earlier, making casual conversation and eventually brought up Justin’s name since she knew her father was a total baseball fanatic.

The Hawk, her mother had referred to Justin as. One of her father’s favorite players and he’d been devastated when he got in the accident and been forced to retire. The entire team hadn’t played the same since.

Stephanie wondered how Justin felt. Did he miss playing? Did he hate talking about it? Maybe it made him sad to even think about it. She was afraid to bring the subject up.

“Traffic’s bad,” Justin murmured, bringing her out of her thoughts. She glanced at him, arousal slowing her blood and making her limbs heavy.

She enjoyed watching him drive and he was incredibly sexy behind the wheel. Strong hands gripped the steering wheel, his eyes intent on the road ahead, a little sigh escaping him over the traffic frustration.

She wanted to reach over and touch his hair, run her hand down his arm. The muscles there rippled every time he shifted downward and when he caught her staring, he grinned, those flashing dimples making her heart flutter, her entire body quiver in anticipation.

“Are you hungry?” He glanced at her quickly, keeping one eye on the road.

“Yes.” Her appetite had completely disappeared. The only thing she was hungry for was him.

The car came to a complete stop and he looked at her, his gaze meeting hers, his expression unreadable. “Me, too.”

Understanding dawned and she breathed deep, ready to make a bold move. “We’ll probably be stuck here a long time, hmm?”

He nodded slowly, his hands gripping the steering wheel tight. “Traffic is really heavy.”

“Maybe we should pull over.” She gave in to her urges and touched him, brushing her fingers against the warm, firm skin of his forearm. A jolt surged from her fingertips and rolled throughout her body.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024