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Indulgent Pleasures

Page 76

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Zoe had a point. She could give a small explanation as to what happened and end it. It was actually a pretty good idea.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Stephanie nodded. “You’re right. I should let the readers know what happened. It’ll make a good story.”

“Of course, it’ll make a good story. Anything you come up with is a good story, Steph.” Zoe stood by her chair and slipped her arm around Stephanie’s shoulders, giving her a little shake. “Come up with something good, sweetie. Really knock their socks off with this last column. I can’t wait to read it.”

Stephanie walked out of Zoe’s office moments later, shocked she made such a complete turn around. This morning when she’d first arrived at work, she’d almost been in tears. After everything she’d experienced with Justin she’d been ready to quit, walk out and forget everything that ever happened at City.

Then she realized she’d love to have her old job back, though she knew Zoe would protest. And that’s exactly what happened. Heck, she still couldn’t believe Zoe had convinced her to do something she vowed she’d never do again.

One more time. She’d write that stupid article one more time and then she would be done forever.

Then she could focus on Justin. She had a feeling their relationship was about to take a turn for the super serious.

And she was more than ready to embrace it.

* * *

Caleb sauntered into Zoe’s office as if he owned it and she watched him, her left brow arched, her right hand clutching her Starbucks cup. The way he moved reminded her of a sleek animal, a jungle cat who was always ready to pounce on his prey.

Much like the way he pounced on her last night. He’d given her such a good fucking she’d nearly fainted when she came. She couldn’t remember the last time she climaxed like that.

Caleb didn’t lie when he said he was skilled. The man had sexual skills in spades.

“What do you want?”

He shut the door and turned the lock with a quiet click, a cocky smile on his face.

“I have a hunch.”

Her brow went higher if that was possible. “About who?”

Rubbing his hands together, his smile grew even wider. “About Stephanie.”

“Our Steph? What kind of hunch could you have about her?” She’d always assumed they had something going on, Caleb and Stephanie. He’d chased after her for weeks though Stephanie always seemed to pay him no mind.

When he’d made the move on Zoe a couple of days ago and they’d ended up fucking in the supply closet well, she’d realized that maybe he had a thing for her instead. Big mistake, fooling around with an employee. She was his boss for God’s sake.

But she couldn’t resist.

Caleb approached her desk, stopping just in front of it. Zoe’s mouth watered at the sight of him in his crisp white shirt, sky blue tie and navy trousers.

He was so good in bed, so dirty, too. She drew the line at the name calling, though.

She had an image to uphold after all.

“I think her mystery man is someone famous.”

“Stephanie doing it with someone famous? Come on.” Zoe laughed, feeling like a bitch but hey. If anyone was going to do it with someone famous, it was going to be her.

“I’m serious. I’ve been watching her for a while, listening in on her phone conversations. It drove me crazy how fucking perfect her anonymous guy is.” Caleb paused for effect. “Now I know why he’s been kept anonymous. I think it’s Justin Hawkins.”

Zoe’s mouth dropped open. “Stephanie’s fucking Justin Hawkins? No way.”

“Yes way. I knew I saw them together on the ba

lcony at the charity event but she blew me off, said it wasn’t her. Then I snooped around her desk, overheard her on the phone and it makes total sense. She’s with The Hawk and he fucking hates the media. I can’t believe he’s letting her broadcast their business all over the magazine.”

“He doesn’t know about the column, her articles.” Zoe clapped a hand over her mouth. She’d always kept that part quiet, as per Stephanie’s request.

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