Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 26

“I’m going to pass the bar again, too.”

“Congratulations in advance.”

“Then I thought I might take you as a partner,” Herbie said confidently, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll front the money for expanding the practice.”

/> “I’m deeply flattered, Herbie, but you may not have heard that, for a year now, I’ve been a partner at Woodman amp; Weld.”

“I saw the announcement in the Times,” Herbie said.

“You’re reading something besides the Post these days?”

“The Wall Street Journal, too.”

“Well, you’re a man of means; that’s appropriate reading.”

“I managed to increase my net worth this year, too,” Herbie said. “A first.”

Stone laughed. “I believe you. How did you do that in the middle of a recession?”

“I bought a small office building on Lexington Avenue, and I did okay in the market, too.”

“Wow. Who closed on the real estate for you?”

Herbie handed him an envelope. “You. Here’s the sales contract.”

Stone opened the envelope and looked at the document. “That sounds like a very good price. Do you have tenants?”

“I bought it fully rented.”

“Are you going to be the new Donald?”

“Hardly, but it’s a good investment.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“I saw the two thugs again,” Herbie said.

“The ones responsible for your dip in the harbor?”

“The very ones. They were across the street from my building when I came downstairs this morning. Stone, can you get me a carry permit for a handgun?”

“Herbie, that’s the hardest document to get that the city issues. I could get you a building permit at Ground Zero more easily.”

“What are the requirements for a carry license?”

“Essentially, you have to prove that you regularly carry large amounts of cash, like a payroll, or quantities of diamonds or other jewelry on a regular basis.”

“How about having my life threatened? Does that count?”

“I’m afraid the NYPD-the issuing authority-places more value on property than life.”

“I thought the Supreme Court decision on the D.C. case changed everything.”

“Everything but the NYPD and the mayor. It could happen, eventually, but they’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new era. If you want something to do, you could get a couple of your classmates together and sue the city.”

“Not a bad idea,” Herbie said. “And in the meantime I have to fend off hired killers with my bare hands?”

Stone raised a finger and picked up the phone. “Get me Seth Keener,” he said to Joan.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024