Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 49

“I’ll think about that.”

“I’m probably not going to have sex for a while, either, and I don’t need you to give me a hard time about it.”

“Up to you, Peter.”

“And it will help our career plan if you don’t get anybody pregnant.”

“Good point.”

“Great. Now, are you ready to watch Citizen Kane again?”

“Are you kidding? I’m ready to produce it!”


O n Christmas Day Stone and Arrington were dressing.

“Do you think this dress will be all right?” Arrington asked.

“It’s beautiful,” Stone said, “even if it’s not white.”

“I think I’m a little beyond the white dress,” Arrington said. Stone kissed her. “You look like a virgin bride to me.”

She laughed. “It’s going to be fun being married to you.”

“Let’s be sure to keep it that way,” he said, zipping up her dress.

“Who did you say is going to marry us?”

“Eduardo said, ‘an official.’ That probably means a judge. He knows a lot of people like that.” Stone went to his dressing room and came back with a clear plastic box. “Here’s your bouquet,” he said, handing it to her.

“Oh, it’s beautiful, Stone. I wouldn’t even have thought about that. Where’s the wedding ring?”

“In my pocket,” Stone said, “for Dino to convey.”

“Who’s going to give me away?”

“How about Peter?”

“Perfect. I don’t guess we’ll have a rehearsal.”

“No, but if I know Eduardo, we’ll have one hell of a wedding feast.”

She looked at herself in the mirror. “Am I ready?”

Stone looked over her shoulder at her reflection. “I don’t think it’s possible to improve on that image.”

Peter knocked on the door and came into the room. “Are we ready to go?”

“We are,” Stone said. “What’s in your leather envelope?”

“Just some stuff for Ben.”

“Let’s get out of here, then.” They took the elevator down to the garage. Stone got them into the car and backed out into the street.

Peter rolled down the window a little. “Wow,” he said, “how come the glass is so thick? It wasn’t this thick on our Arnage, in L.A.”

“Because it’s an armored car.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024