Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 73

“You’ll come down and see the place when it’s together, won’t you? And bring Peter?”

“Of course, if he can take a few days off from school.”

“Maybe I’ll have a little housewarming and introduce my ne

w husband to the Virginia gentry. Can you ride a horse?”

“Yes, in a manner of speaking, but the last time I was aboard one was at summer camp in Maine, when I was sixteen.”

“It’s like sex; you never forget how. I don’t suppose you have any riding clothes.”

“No, but there’s time to find a hacking jacket and some boots.”

“Don’t forget the breeches,” she said. “I’d like to see your ass in those tight ones.”

“All right.”

“And get a helmet, too; we’re safety conscious.”

“I will be very safe.”

The stewardess, wife of the captain, came aft. “We’ve got our clearance, and we’re ready to start engines now,” she said.

Stone kissed Arrington once more, then walked down the airstair door and away from the jet. The door closed behind him, the whine of the engines came up, and he covered his ears.

Shortly, the aircraft taxied to runway one, and a moment later, started down the runway, accelerating quickly. It lifted off, the landing gear came up, and in another minute it was out of sight.

Stone walked back to the car, feeling lonely already. He drove back into the city, wondering what he was going to do with himself. He’d become accustomed to being married and to being a father, and he was very conscious that his life had changed in a big way. He felt confident about the future, but not about the next month, with Arrington gone.


K elli Keane got to work a little late, and the strong coffee she was drinking had not yet cured her hangover. The social part of this job, she thought, could kill you, especially when combined with the kind of sex life she was accustomed to. She was still wearing the clothes she had changed into last evening for going out.

Kelli went into a ladies’ room booth, moistened some paper towels, removed her panties, and gave herself a going-over. That accomplished, she took a fresh pair from her purse and put them on. Now she felt better.

She came out of the booth to find Prunella Wheaton standing before the mirror, touching up her makeup. “Good morning, Prunie,” she said.

“Ah, Kelli,” Wheaton replied. “You’re looking a little drawn this morning. Rough night?”

“Not rough, just long.”

“I’m learning that you and I are more than a little alike,” Wheaton said, “at least, when I was your age. I used to come into work after a night of fucking, with it showing on my face, just like you.”

Kelli checked her face in the mirror and made repairs.

“Come and see me when you have reconstituted yourself,” Wheaton said as she left.

Kelli walked down the hall to Wheaton’s office, accepted hot coffee in her china cup, and sipped it gratefully. “I’m at a dead end on the Calder/Barrington story,” she said.

“What’s the problem?” Wheaton asked.

“There are two problems,” Kelli replied. “First, I ran a check on a birth certificate with Vance Calder listed as father and got back a message saying, ‘Document sealed by the court.’”

“Ah,” Wheaton said, “you’re not going to be able to break that seal, unless you have a records clerk willing to risk his job for a couple of hundred bucks.”

“I was afraid of that,” Kelli replied.

“What’s the second problem?” Wheaton asked.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024