Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 98

“Now we have something to toast,” Stone said. “To Ben and Peter, may they get everything their parents hope for from their education.”

There was laughter and applause, and everyone drank.

“Excuse me,” Sean Patrick said, “but our daughter Hattie has an announcement.”

Everyone grew quiet. Hattie stood and, holding her champagne flute, said, “Before Christmas I applied to both Juilliard and Yale to study music. I was accepted to both, and I have chosen Yale for my studies.”

Another uproar and more drinking. Peter and Hattie hugged each other, and she gave Ben a hug, too.

During the next hour they emptied four bottles of Krug ’99, and then Somes called them to dinner, opening the double doors that led into the dining room. They were served a salad, then a silver cart was wheeled in and Somes carved two rib roasts for them.

When they were on coffee, Somes’s wife, Marlene, who was the chef, came in and was introduced, fetching a round of applause.

They walked across the hall to the walnut-paneled library and were served coffee and cognac.

“If it were summer, we’d do this on the front porch,” Arrington said, “but in winter, it’s nice to be by the fire.”

Somes came in and put a couple more logs in the large fireplace.

They talked until after ten, then everyone went upstairs to their rooms.

“You’re going to have to perform again,” Arrington said, as she closed the door behind them.

“I’m up for a command performance,” Stone said, taking her in his arms.


S tone was wakened by a sharp knocking on their bedroom door. “Mom? Dad?”

Arrington stirred. “I told him we’d all go riding this morning,” she said.

“Right after breakfast, Peter,” Stone called back. “Say, eight o’clock?”

“I’ll meet you downstairs at eight,” Peter replied, then went away.

“What time is it?” Arrington asked.


“Then breakfast will appear momentarily.” She got up, slipped into a dressing gown, and unlocked the bedroom door. A moment later someone knocked, and she opened the door. Somes came in pushing a hotel-style table on wheels, and he set it up before the fireplace in the sitting room, while Arrington and Stone brushed their teeth. They ate hungrily.

“I’m so glad the college acceptances came when they did,” Arrington said.

“It worked out perfectly, didn’t it? And Hattie had a nice surprise for us. I don’t think Peter knew.”

“We’re not going to be able to keep them out of bed together, you know,” Arrington said.

“I suppose not,” Stone said. “Maybe we’d better yield to reality and get the three of them an apartment together in New Haven.”

“Oh, I’m not sure the Patricks would go along with that,” Arrington said. “You’d better let me feel things out with Margaret before you bring up that subject.”

“I will leave the matter in your capable hands,” Stone said, with relief.

They met Peter, Ben, and Hattie downstairs at eight.

“My folks are still asleep,” Hattie said. “I couldn’t get them up.”

“My dad, too,” Ben said, “and I heard snoring from the Eggerses’ room.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024