Mended (Lucian & Lia #3) - Page 30

I can’t help but smile at his teasing words. “You would be, yes.”

“I don’t want to miss anything, Lia. Nothing in my life is as important as you are.”

“I know, Lucian,” I assure him. “You’re the best boyfriend in the entire world.”

He grimaces, before saying, “That always sounds so…odd. I know we’re in our twenties, but I just feel too old to be your ‘boyfriend.’ It seems so inadequate for the way I feel about you.”

Somehow, I don’t think this is the time to suggest he call me his future wife. I can’t believe the thought even crossed my mind. I’m not ready for that—am I? “How about my baby daddy?” I joke instead.

“Only if I can call you my baby mama.” He laughs when I cringe.

“Please, I already have to hear that from Rose. Let’s just stick with my sex slave for now, all right?” He gives me a look that melts my panties and has me panting as we park in front of the doctor’s office.

He gently rubs my leg before he takes my hand. “I’ll see if I can live up to that name when we get home,” he drawls.

I’m flushed and sweating as I fill out my paperwork. I’m once again faced with the box asking for my insurance coverage. Lucian looks down as I hesitate and rolls his eyes at the question. He points to cash and gives me a warning look not to argue. I return the paperwork to the receptionist and take my seat once again. It’s almost comical to see Lucian sitting here surrounded by women, the majority of them visibly pregnant. I see more than a few of them looking at him with frank appreciation. It makes me feel like a queen when he clasps my hand in his, before dropping a kiss on the side of my cheek. That’s right, ladies. This is my man candy; eat your hearts out!

My name is called and Lucian gets to his feet without hesitation. We step through the doorway and a woman who doesn’t even look old enough to work says, “Hi, I’m Brittany and I’ll be doing your ultrasound today.” She escorts us to a dimly lit room and hands me a paper sheet. She points to a dressing room with a curtain in the corner. “If you’ll remove your clothing below the waist and then have a seat on the table.”

Lucian gives me a lecherous grin. “Mmm, I didn’t know there would be nudity today. What exactly happens at this appointment? You and Brittany…?”

I pop his butt with the sheet as I walk toward the dressing room. “In your dreams, Quinn. Now try to keep it together while I undress.”

He gives me an innocent look before asking, “Need any help in there?”

I wag my finger in his face. “You’re going to get into trouble with Brittany if you don’t behave,” I warn sternly. He chuckles, not sounding too concerned about my threat. I quickly remove my pants and panties, then pull the stiff sheet around me. I slide my feet back into my flip-flops and walk past Lucian in my less than glamorous attire.

“You look hot,” he deadpans as he helps me up onto the exam table. I’m right in the middle of sticking my tongue out at him when there is a knock at the door before it opens.

Brittany gives me a confused look as my tongue is still pointing at Lucian. “Are we ready?” she asks briskly.

“We are,” Lucian answers. Lucian and I both startle when Brittany lifts something that looks like a vibrator, then precedes to roll a condom over it. “What the hell?” I just nod in agreement, since I’m thinking the same thing.

The corners of Brittany’s mouth twitch before she asks, “You’ve never had a transvaginal ultrasound before?”

“Um…no,” I say, knowing my face must be bright red. It’s not as if Lucian isn’t intimately familiar with my body, but somehow hearing part of it being discussed so clinically is a bit embarrassing.

“The baby is too small right now to be seen on an abdominal ultrasound. I’ll insert this wand into your vagina and rotate it so we can see your uterus and ovaries. Some women find the pressure slightly uncomfortable, but it should be painless.” Holding up the phallic-like instrument, she asks brightly, “Are we ready?”

I want to ask her who “we” is since I’m the only one getting that thing stuffed inside me, but I think it’s probably not wise to make an enemy out of her. I don’t want to give her a reason to “accidently” use the wrong hole.

I turn to look at Lucian since he’s fallen silent during her graphic explanation of the ultrasound equipment. It’s hard to be certain with the dim lighting, but he looks unusually nervous. “Are you okay?” I whisper while Brittany is occupied punching something into her computer.

He takes my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He looks as surprised as I am to learn the details of the ultrasound. The child Cassie carried was a boy, so I wonder if he was at the ultrasound with her. This isn’t the time for that question though, so I let it go for now. “I’m just excited,” he finally says, and then adds, “and a bit scared.”

Brittany looks up, obviously having caught his words. She studies him for a bit longer than would be considered professional before saying, “There is nothing at all to be nervous about, Mr.—”

“Lucian Quinn,” he replies.

No doubt she has noticed our last names are different. I feel the crazy need to stake my claim on him, just in case there is any question in her mind. I draw our clasped hands to my lips, effectively bringing his eyes back to me. “I love you,” I say loudly enough for her to hear. I know it’s silly, but I’m having a needy and possessive moment.

Tags: Sydney Landon Lucian & Lia Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024