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Mended (Lucian & Lia #3)

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“Oh, um, no,” I stammer, knowing I sound guilty. “I…had an appointment this morning. My class isn’t for a few more hours.”

“I hope everything’s okay,” Lee says, looking at me with concern.

“Things are good. No, great,” I say brightly, causing him to raise a brow in question. I drop my hand and squeeze Lucian’s knee. “We’re pregnant,” I divulge before I can think better of it. Lucian jerks against my hand in surprise, while Lee stares at me with widened eyes. “I mean, I’m just ten weeks…almost eleven, but we had our first appointment this morning. I started thinking about your recent text while we were there and I don’t know…I thought I should come today.” I cringe as my verbal diarrhea stalls. Both Lee and Lucian are now openly gawking at me.

“Congratulations to you both,” Lee manages.

Lucian finally comes out of his stupor enough to say, “Thanks. We’re very excited.”

“And terrified,” I add and then wince. Good grief, can I say nothing right today? I sound like some airhead Barbie. “Just the normal kind of new baby nerves,” I try to clarify, hoping he doesn’t think otherwise. I haven’t had a panic attack since the day we found out about the pregnancy.

“I would think that’s to be expected,” Lee says, sounding supportive. “It looks as if I’ll have gained both a daughter and grandchild this year.” Now he’s the one cringing at his words.

“Damn,” Lucian suddenly says, “you two are a disaster together, aren’t you?” Both Lee and I turn to glare at him before we all explode in laughter. The awkwardness dissipates in that instant as we realize the conversation can’t get much worse.

I give both men an embarrassed look. “When I’m nervous, I say whatever pops into my head. My common sense completely deserts me. Lucian and I have only told a few close friends about the baby, so it’s not common knowledge.”

“Even though I don’t belong to that group, I’m still honored that you told me,” Lee says, sounding as if he genuinely means it. “I hope that in time, you will be comfortable enough to at least call me a friend.”

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, not expecting to see the type of longing from him that he’s not attempting to hide. “I’ve been so angry,” I admit quietly. “I know you’re not to blame for the things my mother has done, but a part of me wants to hate you for not being there.”

Lee looks crushed at my words, but not surprised. Lucian takes my hand but doesn’t attempt to interrupt me. Finally, Lee says, “If our positions were reversed, I would feel the same way, Lia. That’s what’s so hard about this. I want your forgiveness, but I could never blame you if you didn’t give it. I’ve thought of little else since finding out about your existence. I still can’t fathom how I could have missed the fact I have a daughter. I don’t leave anything in my life to chance, but I never had an inkling, Lia—not the first clue.” Looking down at his hands, he swallows audibly. “You may not believe it, but as rough as I was back then, I would have still protected…and cherished you. I would have destroyed anyone who tried to hurt you.”

“You’ve done that, haven’t you?” I find myself asking. I can’t help but think of my mother’s abrupt admissions of guilt and my stepfather’s death. Has my father already been exacting revenge on those who’ve hurt me?

He studies me intently, seeming to ponder his reply. “I’ve failed as your father for too many years. That will never happen again.” His answer is vague—but telling. Before I can question him further, our food arrives and the moment of honesty is gone.

I’m surprised to find that, even with his revelations, I’m ravenous. I tuck into my bowl of cinnamon and sugar oatmeal as if I haven’t eaten in a week. Lucian and Lee are both having the garden omelet with wheat toast. I’m sure they are cringing over the extra brown sugar I’m heaping on my oatmeal, but Lucian only smiles at me indulgently. “This is so good,” I manage to say between mouthfuls. My appetite has been a bit off in the mornings with the whole throwing up thing, so this is different for me.

Lee takes a bite of his own food and chews with relish. “So, Quinn,” he says after he wipes his mouth, “when do you plan to marry my pregnant daughter?”

Lucian begins choking while I come dangerously close to spraying the table in oatmeal. I thump Lucian on the back, and he uses his napkin to clean me up. “I see you’re embracing this father role fully.”

Lee surprises a giggle out of me as he says, “You bet your ass, now answer the question.”

“Oh God,” I hold up my hand. “Please don’t answer that, Luc.” Then turning to Lee I add, “I appreciate you wanting to look out for me, but Lucian and I haven’t been together for that long. People have babies all the time without being married as you well know.”

He grimaces slightly at the last part of my sentence, even though I hadn’t intended it as a dig against him. Lucian, seemingly recovered from his shock, doesn’t attempt to shy away from Lee’s question. “I’d marry Lia this moment if it were up to me. I love her as I’ve never loved anyone else in my life. When I think of the future, she’s the one constant that doesn’t change.”

I go all soft and gooey inside. I stare at him with all the love I feel inside written on my face. He kisses me hard before returning to his meal. I’m ready to toss my napkin on the table and drag him off to find a justice of the peace. When Lee clears his throat, I turn to find him looking at Lucian in approval. It occurs to me then, that if men end up marrying someone like their mother, then I’ll quite possibly marry the man most like my father. Considering I’ve known of Lee’s existence for only a matter of months and have hated him for most of that time, it seems surreal that I’m sitting next to him with these thoughts. It really shows how very much my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I never thought I’d get to the point of sharing a meal with him, much less enjoy the mostly relaxed mood of this first official meeting. Clearing my throat, I manage to say, “Yes, well, we’ll see where the future takes us.”

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