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The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons 1)

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Despite her hair being pulled back from her face and the lack of a smile, she was pretty with a round face and small nose. Her eyes were curious yet intelligent. Their light brown color made him think of a jar of dark-colored honey.

Fraser had always had a thing for brunettes, but when combined with the color of her eyes, Holly was one of the most beautiful lasses he’d ever seen.

Before he could wonder where that thought had come from, his beast growled. Say something. I want to hear her voice.

Fraser was careful to keep his confusion from showing on his face. Since when do you care about voices?

Just do it. We need to question her for Fergus anyway.

Fraser grinned and put out a hand. “What’s your name, bonny lass?”

Arabella rolled her eyes. “Excuse my mate’s cousin. He’s i


“I’m just trying to welcome our guest.” He looked back to the human. “All I want is your name, or I’ll just have to refer to you as honey.”

A flicker of amusement danced in the human’s eyes. “And why is that?”

“Because your eyes remind me of dark-colored honey. I bet you’re secretly sweet as well.”

Arabella opened her mouth, but the human beat her to it. “More like I use honey to lure you in and then kick you in the bollocks.”

“A lass with fire. I can appreciate that.” Fraser leaned closer. “So, what’s your name, honey?”

“Call me that again, ruadh. I dare you.”

Fraser lightly brushed his hair. “It’s more auburn than red, honey.”

Holly smiled. “And here I thought dragon-shifters weren’t self-conscious.”

“Who said I was?” Fraser rustled his hair and tossed his head. “Many a lass envies these luscious locks.”

Before the lass could make a reply, Arabella stepped between them. “I’m not sure how much more I can take of this. Fraser, this is Holly. Holly, this is Fraser MacKenzie, twin brother to your assigned dragonman, Fergus.”

Fraser winked. “At least I was close, guessing your name started with an H.”

Instead of a witty reply, Holly’s face and eyes turned neutral. “Mr. MacKenzie.”

He barely resisted frowning at the change in her demeanor. “There’s no need to go formal on me, lass. Fraser is fine.”

Holly looked to Arabella. “I’ve changed my mind about the tea. Is it all right if I unpack and freshen up before Finn returns?”

Arabella gave her a puzzled look. “Sure. You’ll be staying with us for the first few nights, so I’ll show you to your room.” Arabella moved her gaze to Fraser. “I held up my end of the deal. Go start on the garden.”

Fraser did frown at that. “Today?”

Arabella raised an eyebrow. “If you have time to spy on us, then you clearly have time to clean up the garden.”

His dragon chimed in. I want to do the work.


I’ll explain later, when Arabella isn’t watching us.

Fraser and his dragon had always been open with one another. Between Holly’s and his dragon’s behavior, Fraser wondered what the hell was going on.

Keeping a smile pasted on his face so as to not stir Arabella’s curiosity, Fraser nodded. “Aye, I’ll do it. But you can’t complain about what I do with it.”

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