The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons 1) - Page 24

Finn smiled. “That’s not much of a threat, Aunt Lorna. You know that’s my favorite.”

Lorna sighed. “Okay, then how about I order some frozen human foods that taste like cardboard and then reheat those?”

Fraser scrunched up his nose. “That is an actual threat, Mum.”

Lorna readjusted her bum in her chair. “Good, then eat and postpone the food fights for later.”

Everyone but Arabella and Holly murmured their assent.

Lorna turned her head toward Holly. “So, lass, how fares your father? Is he doing better?”

Holly swallowed her bite of potato and answered, “The doctors think so. But his recovery is going to take a while and they’re going to monitor his body for the further growth of any cancer cells. The treatments are experimental, but if they succeed, the process has a far higher survival rate than regular chemotherapy.”

Lorna smiled. ?

??I’m glad you were able to help your father. When he’s feeling better, maybe he can come visit. I’m sure Finn can arrange it.”

Holly blinked. “I didn’t think human visitors were allowed.”

Finn answered, “The DDA and the Home Secretary office are issuing a few visitor’s passes to both our clan and Stonefire in England. I’m sure I can work something out, provided your father’s health is strong enough.”

Holly’s eyes lit up and Fraser sucked in a breath. Hell, when the lass was happy and excited, she became even more beautiful.

Fraser wanted to try and make her happy as often as possible.

Stop it, Fraser. He took another sip of wine and half-listened as Holly and Finn talked about visitation passes. Their conversation gave Fraser a chance to study the human more closely without being overly obvious about it.

He loved how her long, dark hair tumbled past her shoulders to nearly her elbows. The gentle waves of her hair softened her face and if Fraser had a say in how she wore her hair, Holly would never wear it in a bun ever again.

Although the idea of him tugging out the pins and releasing her hair had its own appeal.

Resisting a frown lest he give away his thoughts, Fraser took another swig of wine. It was going to be a long evening. How he would survive watching Holly and Fergus for the next six months or more, Fraser had no idea. Fostering with Stonefire was his only real option.

His beast banged against the top of his mental maze at the thought of leaving Holly behind and the structure gave a little.

If his beast acted this way with Fergus merely touching Holly, Fraser hated to think what would happen once Fergus started sleeping with the lass.

Finn kicked his leg under the table. “Earth to Fraser. Are you listening?”

Damn. “What did I miss? I was too busy concentrating on this fine glass of wine.”

Finn merely raised his brows. Fraser’s cousin was unconvinced.

Bloody hell, if Fraser didn’t get his act together, he would be cornered and interrogated before the night was over.

Holly answered, “Don’t worry, it wasn’t important.”

Fraser should resist looking at the lass yet again since everyone was watching him at the table, but he turned his head. The human’s cheeks were flushed from the wine, laughter, or both. Combined with the sparkle in her eyes, all he wanted to do was tug her out back, pull her close, and kiss her.

His dragon roared again.

Holly finally looked away from Fraser and to Fergus. She touched his brother’s bloody bicep again. “I need to use the toilet.”

Fergus smiled. “I think you’re just trying to escape the madness for a bit.”

Holly winked and Fraser dug his nails into his thighs as she said, “It is a bit exhausting having dinner with your family, if I’m honest. Of course, for all I know, it’s like this with all dragon-shifter families.”

Arabella snorted. “Definitely not. If you ever meet my brother, then you’ll see what I mean.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024