The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons 1) - Page 77

Fraser’s voice was a little less frantic as he replied, “Telling you about it won’t do much to solve your problem.”

She rolled her eyes even though Fraser couldn’t see it. “You know what I mean. All the hospital will tell us is that the dragons delivered a letter with a warning—if anyone tries to step foot outside, the dragons will snatch them and start attacking the buildings.”

In the background, she heard some murmurs. Before she could ask who they were, Fraser answered, “Finn is talking with the DDA right now. I should have more information for you in a minute. But while we wait, I need two things from you.”


“First—how are you holding up?”

“Stop being ridiculous. I told you that I’m fine.”

Fraser growled. “I won’t apologize for being worried about the woman I care more about than any other in the world.”

Holly’s heart skipped a beat as she blinked at his words. “What?”

Another male voice came over the line, one she instantly recognized. “Holly, this is Fergus. Ignore my brother’s daft timing for a second and tell us anything that could help. Everyone here wants you back safe and sound.” He paused and added, “Myself included.”

Despite the threat outside her window and the possible danger to her life, relief flooded her body. Fergus’s words also helped distract her from Fraser’s words; she couldn’t afford to dwell on them until later. “Good, because Fraser is grumpy when you’re not around. He needs you close by.”

Fergus barked out a laugh. “Don’t I know it.”

Fraser spoke up. “Stop talking about me as if I’m not here. Can we focus on the more immediate threat? I need you to tell me everything you can see or hear. How many dragons, where they’re located, the works. It’ll help us protect you.”

Holly brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. At least Fraser had recognized the present wasn’t the best time for declarations of the heart. “I’m not a trained soldier or anything, but I’ll try my best. There are dragons circling the building at regular intervals. I can also see a few perched on the roof of the building across the way. I’m sure they’re on all the buildings. I’ve counted maybe ten different ones so far. Or, at least, I tried to. It’s still somewhat dark outside.”

“Good job, Holly,” Fraser replied. “That will help. Is there anything else?”

She glanced out the window. “I can snap some pictures with the phone and send them to you when we’re done.”

A string of expletives filled the other side of the phone line. Holly frowned. “Fraser? What’s happening?”

As the seconds ticked by without a reply, Holly’s heart rate ticked up. Something was wrong.


Fraser walked away from the console that had Holly on speaker phone and moved into Finn’s personal space. “What do you mean those bastard traitor dragons want Holly in exchange for allowing everyone else to go free?”

Finn growled. “Don’t take it out on me. I’m just repeating what the DDA told me.”

Running a hand through his hair, Fraser turned away and then back again. “Please tell me you’re not considering it.”

Finn moved closer and punched Fraser in the arm. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just ask me that.” Finn motioned toward Grant. “Grant has his own plans on how to handle the rogue dragons. For now, you need to let Holly know what’s going on. The lass deserves to hear about their demands.”

For a split second, Fraser considered keeping the truth from Holly. Knowing his female as he did, she would offer to give herself up if it means she could save everyone else, especially her father.

His dragon snarled. I won’t allow her to do that.

‘Allow’ isn’t exactly the right word.

Ignoring his beast, Fraser met Finn’s eyes again. Rather than annoyance or anger, Fraser only saw expectation.

His cousin was counting on him to do his part.

“Right,” Fraser muttered and headed back to the speakerphone.

Holly’s voice was angry as she ordered, “Fraser Moore MacKenzie, if you can hear me, then tell me what the bloody hell is going on.”

Taking a deep breath, Fraser answered her. “We just had some news.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024