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The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates 3)

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His dragon chimed in. What she wears doesn't matter because we're going to be tearing it off soon.

Before he could reprimand his beast about not destroying Ashley's mating dress, Cris appeared behind him and whispered, "Come on, Wes. It's time to get this done."

He never took his gaze from Ashley as he replied, "Who knew you could be such a romantic?"

"Whatever, dumbass. Do you want to mate her or not? Because I'm the one who has to do it."

Usually the clan leader led the ceremony, but in his case, the head Protector would take his place. He whispered, "Of course I do. But I have to admit I can't wait for the day when it's your turn. I'm going to tease you relentlessly."

Cris grunted. "Let's just get this started."

Wes had a feeling there was someone Cris liked, but she could be extremely closed off when it came to her personal wants.

But he added it to his list of things to investigate. Because his head Protector deserved someone who made her feel as happy as Ashley did him.

Taking a deep breath, he took the first step toward the center of the platform, and then another, until he and Ashley met in the middle. A tall stand with a carved box sat right behind them, which was where Cris stood. The clan quieted down in anticipation.

Reaching out a hand, he took Ashley's and squeezed it. She smiled at him, love and happiness in her eyes, and he almost pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

His dragon growled. If you don't stop with all these flowery words, I'm going to wrestle control away from you and hurry this the hell up.

Since he knew his dragon would never ruin their mating ceremony—the dragon half didn't care about traditions, but understood the importance—Wes brushed off the words and memorized Ashley's blue eyes, pale cheeks, and dark hair.

Finally Cris spoke loudly, her voice carrying throughout the large room. "Today is a happy day for Clan PineRock. Our leader has not only found his mate, but they also discovered how to be together despite the odds stacked against them." She picked up the box and continued, "Inside are the gifts we give to every newly mated pair, including a set of rings engraved with a unique message written in the old dragon language." She opened it, plucked out the two rings, and offered them to Wes. "May your mating be happy, full of laughter, and fruitful."

He heard a faint snort from Ashley and resisted laughing. Even though the last sentence was traditional, he couldn't imagine his human liking the fruitful part. Not because she didn't want children—she said she did—but at the word choice.

His beast growled to remind him to focus. So Wes took the rings with one hand and began his necessary speech. "For far too long, I tried to deny and push aside what I felt for you. I thought finding a way for a clan leader and an ADDA employee to be together was too difficult, too impossible, too 'insert an excuse here.' It took you bidding on me and forcing me to drop my clan leader exterior I used as a shield against your charm, wits, and beauty for me to realize how I've been a fool all this time. I love your fire, your huge heart, and the fact you know how to push my buttons better than anyone. I love you, Ashley Swift." He held up the smaller of the two rings. "With this band, I stake my claim on you. Do you accept?"

She extended her ring finger. "I do."

Once the gold was in place, a small thrill coursed through his body at the sight.

However, he couldn't take more than a moment to memorize the feeling because Ashley took the other band and said, "For the longest time, I thought I had to choose between my job and the guy I wanted more than any other. I stuck to the rules, believing there was no way to have both. And yet, for one night, I decided to skirt the edge of the rules and spend some time with a smart, intelligent, sexy guy who could be as stubborn as me. Maybe the night didn't go quite as planned, but it was exactly what we both needed. We are better together in so many ways, and going forward, we'll be happy and all that, yes. But we'll also make sure PineRock is safe and secure for our children and beyond. I love you, Wes Dalton, more than anything." She held up the ring in her hand. "With this band, I stake my claim on you. Do you accept?"

Since she held the ring between her fingers, he moved his own so he could put it through the top. She laughed as she moved it the rest of the way down.

Cris spoke up again, per the custom. "Then, as PineRock's head Protector, I proclaim you two mates, bound by both human and dragon law and under PineRock’s eternal protection. You may kiss your mate."

For once not caring about what the clan thought of him, Wes pulled Ashley against his body, cupped her cheek, and murmured, "This is just a promise for later."

Not wanting to start a mate-claim frenzy, he kissed her cheek, her jaw, and even her nose before placing one final kiss on her forehead. For a few beats, they merely held each other, almost as if they were making the ceremony final by being as close as possible while still clothed.

Then the applause erupted from the clan, yanking him back to reality. Taking Ashley's hand, he kissed the back of it before facing the crowd and asking, "Who's ready to meet my new mate?"

As the clan situated themselves around the edges of the room to form the greeting lines, he hauled Ashley against his side and whispered, "Do I need to prepare myself for some grandpa flirting?"

She snorted. "Maybe." She moved her head to his ear and spoke softly so that the others couldn't hear her. "But for every grandpa or grandma I flirt with, I'll make it up to you when we're alone."

Blood rushed south, and it took everything he had to keep his dick in line. He murmured back into her ear, "Then I hope you flirt with each and every one of them."

Laughing, Ashley shook her head. "My, my, how your tune has changed."

Before he could tease her back, they reached the first family in the line. Wes managed to pack away his urge to tease, flirt, and fuck his mate so he could perform his official duties.

Because the faster he did them, the sooner he would finally be able to kiss Ashley on the mouth and claim her with his cock.

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