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The Dragon's Bidder (Tahoe Dragon Mates 3)

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And that couldn't come fast enough.

Chapter Fourteen

Ashley lost track of time as she smiled, chatted, and tried being friendly with as many of her new clan members as she could. Not everyone was open and welcoming, but none were outright hostile, either.

And considering she'd been the representative of an agency that restricted so many aspects of their lives, she couldn't blame them.

The interactions only strengthened her resolve to make even greater changes in not only ADDA-dragon relations but to lobby for more freedoms, too. After all, from everything she'd read, it seemed to be working in the UK. Maybe it was finally the US's time to shine.

However, as she said her goodbyes to the final family in the greeting line, Cris's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, ending any further thoughts on reform. "Okay, I think it's more than time for Wes and his new mate to leave and have their own kind of celebration. If you missed your chance to give a welcome greeting, you can do it later, after they've finished with the frenzy."

Even though the dragon-shifters around her merely smiled and gave knowing looks, Ashley's cheeks burned.

She wasn't exactly used to everyone knowing she was about to have sex many times over.

Wes's comforting whisper filled her ear. "One more thing ADDA doesn't teach you about my kind—dragons aren't embarrassed by sex. So get used to it, because once the frenzy is over, everyone will tease you."

"Great," she muttered.

He chuckled and hugged her closer to his side. "It's not like we have live video feeds or anything." He lowered his voice for her ears only. "What happens in the bedroom is only between us. And trust me, I have a lot of things to show you there that could make you blush. So get some of your blushing out of the way now."

She lightly hit his chest and willed her face not to turn any redder. "Can we leave yet?"

Wes gave one more wave to the room and then scooped Ashley into his arms. He projected his voice. "Cris and Troy are in charge until I emerge again. Try not to wreak havoc while I'm busy enjoying my new mate."

And even if she couldn't see them, she could feel her cheeks burn hotter. She hoped the dragon-shifters weren't so comfortable that they traded sex stories in clan gatherings, for all to hear. Because if so, Ashley was going to have to get over some of her embarrassment as soon as possible.

Maybe she could even rope Wes into it, making it a sort of game.

Wes walked quickly out of the room. They were soon alone as he carried her into the night, the cool air helping to tame her burning cheeks. And as she snuggled into his chest, the remaining irritation and embarrassment faded away. Instead, she was intensely aware of his hard, hot chest at her side, as well as the uniquely masculine scent that was Wes.

Even though she was only a little cold in the night air, her nipples tightened in anticipation of what was coming.

After all this time, she was finally going to claim Wes and have him claim her in return. She blurted a question she'd been dying to ask but hadn't found the courage to do so until now. "Will your dragon come out at first?"

Wes shook his head. "No, I'll be claiming you the first time. But he'll come out after that." He met her eyes in the fading light. "Are you afraid of him? I would've liked more time to let you get to know him, but it didn't really work out that way."

His concern only made her love him more. "Don't worry, I'm not so much afraid as I am curious. After all, you hear lots of rumors and occasionally gossip from the humans mated to dragon-shifters. And it's almost entirely positive."

Wes's pupils flashed to slits and back. "He says it should be all positive. But really, my dragon is just a little upset he couldn't show his magnificent dragon form to you before claiming you."

She smiled up at him. "Then tell him to make this frenzy count and set some kind of record. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can do other things."

Wes laughed. "I know you like to be efficient, but I don't think that'll work in this case." His voice dropped an octave. "Nor do I want to rush claiming my female."

His words made her shiver and wetness rush between her thighs. Maybe having a long frenzy wouldn't be a bad thing. Sure, she'd get sore. But her heart raced at the thought of a strong, dominant dragonman claiming her over and over again.

Wes groaned. "You're killing me, Ash. I can tell you want me, but I'm not about to claim you in the middle of the clan, where anyone could see."

She tilted her head. "Maybe eventually we can try a remote location sometime. I've always wanted to have sex outside."

He groaned again, and she laughed. He said, "You are going to be the death of me, human. I can just feel it."

"If by death you mean your perfect match in every way, then yes, that's me."

Eyes heated, Wes said firmly, "I already know you're my perfect match, and not just because fate said so." He repositioned her in his arms to hold her tighter against his chest. "Now, hold on because I'm going to run so I can show you."

As she looped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest, she reveled in his breathing, his heartbeat, and even the slight breeze on her skin.

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