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The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons 6)

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His beast spoke up. Why do you care?

Not wanting to think of why he did, he focused on the female's next words. "While I'll be observing your clan, I hope to get to know many of you on a more personal level as well. I've worked for the DDA for many years, and I know most of the rumors about you aren't true."

A few people laughed, and one male—he thought it came from the direction of one of the MacAllister siblings—blurted, "Then which are true? The ones about how big our—"

Someone smacked the male to quiet him. Definitely one of the MacAllisters then, since the mother of the five siblings often acted as their censor. Well, for the youngest four. The eldest child was one of the most level-headed dragonwomen he'd ever met.

His beast snorted. I wish the mother wouldn't censor them. It's much funnier when they say what's on their minds.

To her credit, the human female Kiyana grinned and replied, "If you want to know exactly what I'm talking about, then we'll have to sit down for a chat at some point, right?"

His dragon muttered, I told you she's brave. If we're not careful, one of the MacAllisters will snatch her up.

And why should that matter? I'm not looking.

But you agreed to stay at one of the parties for at least an hour.

Only to stop Mum from asking ten thousand more times.

Kiyana continued, "But sincerely, thank you for welcoming us into your clan. I know there have been some rocky ties between Lochguard and humans in the past, but all of us"—she motioned to herself and the other females—"are here of our own free will. Again, thank you, and I look forward to talking with you in a bit."

Finn clapped, and so did most everyone else. Kiyana went back to her spot on the stage, at the end of the line of humans.

Their clan leader took center stage again. "Aye, well, now that the formal remarks are finished, it's time for a party! The humans will be mingling with everyone else, so be on your best manners. After all, each has a Guardian here tonight to ensure their safety. And I'd rather not have to deal with any fights, especially since I always have my hands full with my cousins as it is."

Protests came from where the MacKenzies—his cousins—were standing on the other side of the hall.

Finn ignored them. "I officially declare the start to the gathering." He motioned toward the side, and music filled the air.

Alistair turned and took a step toward the door—he wasn't required to meet the human females until the following day—but his mother's hand clamped on his wrist. While his mother was in her sixties, her grip was firmer than some of the males his own age.

She asked too sweetly, "Where do you think you're going?"

He took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice level. "I have to prepare for tomorrow. You know I have to teach the human females about dragon-shifter ways."

His mother tsked. "You're always prepared two days ahead of time. Humor your old mum, won't you? At least meet with them. You did promise me an hour, no?"

His mum's words might seem like a request on the surface, but they were an order. One that he had to follow or risk her meddling even more into his life.

To the point she'd invite all of the females to dinner and he'd be the only other guest.

He envied others with parents who didn't need to know everything about their children's lives.

His beast spoke up. Saying hello to the humans won't hurt anyone.

You're supposed to be on my side.

I am. It's not even six o'clock. And Mum's right—you have everything prepared for tomorrow. For once, can't we just have some fun? It's been years since we stayed long enough at a clan gathering to even dance.

Since he was clearly outnumbered and the last thing he wanted was for his mother and dragon to work as a team against him, Alistair sighed. "Okay, Mum. I'll stay for a wee bit, but not the whole night, aye?"

"Maybe you'll have so much fun that you'll forget about wanting to leave. Now, come on. We need to greet the human females before the others do. Lorna MacKenzie may have mated all her children now, but I can't risk Sylvia MacAllister's three sons all snatching the best females in the bunch."

Alistair wanted to say that the females weren't for snatching, but decided against it. The argument wasn't worth it.

Following his mother, he did his best to not glare or look overly bored. Just because he wasn't interested in a mate didn't mean he should be rude to the humans.


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