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The Dragon's Discovery (Lochguard Highland Dragons 6)

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Layla was more than a decade older than Chase, meaning she wasn't really a "lass." But she wasn't going to waste time arguing about it. "Do you want to help me or not?"

"Color me intrigued. I'll follow your lead."

Her dragon chuckled. I wonder if that includes you kissing him, and then him kissing us back.

Shut it, dragon. That's not going to happen.

Hmph. Everyone needs a little break sometimes. He could be our break, and given his age, he won't tire out easily, either. Aye, that would be loads of fun.

Not wanting to deal with her beast hinting and pressing for the next wee bit, Layla quickly constructed a mental prison. The instant silence made it easier for her to pack away her emotions and desires during the walk to one of the side rooms.

However, as she tried one door and then another, they were locked. The only one she could find open was a storage closet that would barely fit two people.

She took a deep breath. It's fine, Layla. Your dragon's contained and you can control yourself. She gestured inside the closet. "This will have to do."

Chase's lips twitched as he entered. Layla followed suit. While she did her best to avoid skin-to-skin contact, she didn't succeed completely. Her arm pressed against Chase's, and a small jolt of electricity raced throughout her body, straight between her thighs.

A beat later, Chase's pupils flashed to slits and back. Damn. He'd smelled her arousal.

Chase's voice was husky as he asked, "What's the favor you want, Layla?"

His face was a few inches from hers, and it would be easy to close the distance and kiss him.

No. She didn't have time for males, not even for a short fling. Clearing her throat, she focused on the list of missing items. Every one was precious, and each missing one meant someone from her clan might not get the treatment they needed.

Thinking of Lochguard's welfare cooled her hormones, and she said, "Someone is stealing from the surgery."

Chase's eyes widened. "Does my brother or Faye know? While I'd like to think I can help you with anything, they're much better at security than me."

She shook her head. "No. I want to keep it quiet and try to catch the thief myself. That's where you come in. I need you to install some hidden security cameras after hours, and make sure no one sees you do it."

Layla expected him to smile and make some innuendo about how he'd be rewarded. However, Chase merely nodded and asked, "When do you want it done?"

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She blinked. It seemed Chase had a more serious side, one she'd never really seen before. "Barring any unforeseen circumstances, how about next week?"

"Aye, I'll do it. We can coordinate the best time tomorrow."

She searched his gaze. "Just like that?"

"You dedicated your entire life to helping Lochguard. It's time for someone else to start helping you more."

She sensed there was a hidden meaning to his words, but before she could ask, Chase continued, "Let's return to the hall, aye? The longer we stay here, the more the old biddies will notice."

Layla could do nothing but open the door, retreat, and watch as Chase waved and walked away.

It was almost as if something had instantly changed with him. Maybe, just maybe, she'd finally been able to stop his wee infatuation with her.

Although why that made her heart squeeze, she had no idea.

Brushing it aside, Layla went back to the great hall and busied herself with talking to the Seahaven doctor. Work was her refuge and always provided the distraction she needed. Tonight would be no exception.


After several hours of talking, dancing, and stealing kisses, Alistair was finally able to sneak Kiyana outside to a side garden, one not used often anymore since it was overgrown. The cool night air felt good. The great hall had been overly hot, to the point he'd worried about Kiyana fainting.

However, as he guided his mate to a stone bench almost completely hidden from the view of the hall, he couldn't help but stare at her bright eyes and glowing skin. "You're so bloody beautiful."

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