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The Dragon Family (Lochguard Highland Dragons 5)

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Lorna rushed over to them. "I came back as soon as I could." She hugged the pair of them. "Is it true? What Faye told me about Freya?"

Arabella answered first. "Yes. She's stable for now, although the doctors are working on a more long-term solution." She looked behind Lorna, but didn't see her mate. "Is Ross with Holly?"

"Aye. Holly's getting closer to giving birth, which means Fraser is driving her crazy. So Ross is acting as peacekeeper."

Despite everything going on, Arabella couldn't help but smile. "Is that wise? Usually, there's only more fighting whenever Ross and Fraser get together."

Lorna clicked her tongue. "Both of them are to be on their best behaviors, as they promised me. But that lot will be fine. Tell me what I can do to help my granddaughter."

Something as simple as Lorna thinking of Freya as her granddaughter instead of great-niece helped Arabella relax a fraction. The one thing that the MacKenzies always had in ample supply was love.

Well, and stubbornness. But their love was more important.

Arabella moved to the crib, and Finn and Aunt Lorna followed. Arabella kept her gaze on the three sleeping babies. "I know you just returned, but could you watch Freya and the boys for a short while? Finn and I have something to do."

Lorna looked at the pair. "I sense it's important, but that you don't want to discuss it right now. As long as you promise to do so when possible, then aye, it's not a hardship to watch the triplets. They're angels compared to when my own children were their age."

"I think you're lying about that, Aunt Lorna. But we can talk about that later." Arabella hugged the older dragonwoman. "Thank you." Releasing her, Arabella glanced at Finn. "Let's go."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to do this now?"

"Yes." Taking Finn's hand, she squeezed it. "I stopped running and hiding when I met you, and I bloody well won't start doing it again now."

Raising their clasped hands, Finn kissed the back of hers. "I love you, Arabella. You're so bloody brilliant."

She resisted blushing. Arabella still had trouble with compliments, no matter how many times Finn gave them. "Some of your grumpiness has faded, which is a good sign. Let's hope it stays that way for this meeting."

He nodded at his aunt, and they exited the room. "I can't promise anything with regards to my grumpiness. But let me know if you need to leave. We could devise a code, or you could simply tell me you want to go."

"Normally, I'd create the worst code word I could think of, but I'm exhausted, worried about Freya, and nervous about meeting my dad." She threaded her arm through his. "Just having you near will be a great help."

After kissing the top of her head, they walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. Finn at her side gave her the extra bit of courage she'd need for what was to come.

She couldn't imagine her life without him.

Her dragon spoke up. Don't forget about me. I'm here to help, too. Always.

Pushing aside the guilt that flared at the decade Arabella had all but ignored her inner beast, she replied, And I'll never take that for granted again, love. I promise.

Finn finally stopped them in front of a door to a private room. "He's in here."

Taking a deep breath, Arabella opened the door.

A gray-haired male with slumped shoulders sat with his back to her. While he'd always sat tall when she'd been a child, she recognized the form of her father.

Tristan was across the room, with Melanie at her side. Tristan spoke before she could say anything. "Arabella."

She waited for her father to turn his head, but George MacLeod kept his gaze on the ground in front of him.

Despite her rational intentions, she gripped Finn's hand tightly to avoid screaming at her dad. When he'd been at her bedside, during her recovery from the severe burns she'd received from the dragon hunters setting half her body on fire, she'd taken comfort from his strong hand gripping her non-burned one, his gentle voice persuading her to fight.

It had only been when he'd vanished that she'd realized how much her father had kept her grounded and fighting during that critical period of her life.

And now he wouldn't even look at her.

Emotion choked her throat.

Her brother repeated, "Arabella."

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