The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons 4) - Page 5

Her dragon growled. He should be ours. Why deny it?

And why now?

Because neither of you were ready.

I don’t care if you think you know everything, it’s not going to happen. Grant’s mood swings would drive me crazy.

Tossing her dragon inside a mental maze, Faye picked up her pace. Exercise always helped to focus her mind and she most definitely needed to purge thoughts of Grant. Her brothers were observant and the last thing she needed was their teasing, especially if her mother got word of Grant’s possible interest and nudged her to kiss the dragonman.

However, just because everyone in her family was mated but her didn’t mean Faye was going to join the crowd. She might eventually want a mate and a family, but until she figured out her position within the clan and excelled at it, kissing and sex would have to wait.

She approached the old Sinclair place that was slowly becoming the MacKenzie twins’ place. Two houses shared a wall, and much like her identical twin brothers, both halves might look the same on the surface, but there were minute differences. Fraser’s half had random plants growing with a mixture of grass and a garden gnome riding a dragon whereas Fergus’s half was well-cut and maintained with no ostentatious decorations. Each half represented her brothers well.

Faye slowed down and stopped at the stoop of the left half. She’d barely knocked before the door opened to a smiling red-haired human female with green eyes. It was her sister-in-law Gina MacDonald-MacKenzie. Faye waved. “Hi, Gina.”

The human’s American accent greeted her ears. “I wasn’t expecting you until later, but come in.”

She entered the house. “I have some clan business with Fergus. One of the Protectors said he was working from home today, aye?”

“Yeah, he’s here. Jamie has a cold and Fergus is convinced it’ll turn into the plague.”

Jamie MacDonald-MacKenzie was Gina’s son, but Fergus treated the lad as his own; after all, he’d been there since the day the bairn was born.

“Indulge him too often and he’ll think he can do it all the time,” Faye pointed out.

“Oh, I know. But I’m not feeling well myself, so I gave in to his demands.”

Faye looked at Gina and finally noticed the circles under her eyes and flushed cheeks. “I can’t believe my brother made you answer the door. You should be in bed.”

Gina raised her eyebrows as she led Faye down the hall to Fergus’s study. “You sound just like him. I would be in bed, but I couldn’t get Jamie to settle. Fergus has the magic touch, so he’s holding him and trying to get the baby to fall asleep.”

Her sister-in-law put a finger to her lips and quietly opened the study door. Fergus sat inside with wee Jamie in the crook of his arm. Her serious brother had a smile on his face as he hummed a tune.

When he finished the song, he looked up and whispered, “You’re early, Faye.”

She rolled her eyes but kept her voice low. “I didn’t realize I needed an appointment to visit.”

“You don’t, but it’s the middle of the day,” Fergus answered.

“I’m here on business. Grant sent me.”

Fergus slowly stood up so as to not wake the bairn. “What about?”

Gina put out her arms. “Give Jamie to me and talk with your sister.”

“But you’re ill.”

“You did the hard part and got him to sleep. Our little man and I can take a nap together.”

Once Fergus maneuvered Jamie into Gina’s arms, he kissed her cheek. “Call me on your mobile phone if you need anything.”

“I plan to sleep like the dead for a few hours.” Fergus raised an eyebrow and Gina sighed. “Fine, I’ll keep it close.”

“I love you, lass.”

Gina smiled. “I love you, too.” She looked to Faye. “Once I’m feeling better, we should have a girls’ night with Holly and my sister. It’s been too long since we all got together.”

“While we can’t get into too much trouble since Holly is pregnant, I’m sure I can think of something that walks the line.”

Tags: Jessie Donovan Lochguard Highland Dragons Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024