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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons 4)

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“Mum, why are you being so formal?” Fraser asked. “It’s a bit odd, aye?”

Lorna frowned. “I’m trying to be nice. Don’t ruin it.”

Grant jumped in. “How about we eat instead of argue? Faye is hungry.”

“Faye is always hungry,” Fraser pointed out.

Faye picked up a pea and tossed it at Fraser. It bounced off his cheek and he raised his dark red eyebrows. “That is the best you have? You’re slipping in your old age, sister.”

With a growl, Faye picked up a roll, but Grant snatched it out of her hand before she could throw it. “You need to eat the food, not throw it.”

Faye batted her eyelashes. “What was that, dear?”

Her innocent tone, combined with her hand closed around something he couldn’t see, made him suspicious. However, before he could think of what to say without getting into trouble, a glob of mashed potatoes landed on top of his head just as Fraser yelled, “Bingo!”

Lorna clicked her tongue, but Chase plucked up a bite-sized potato and threw it at Fraser. It smacked loudly against his forehead and Fraser grunted. Chase grinned. “Did I forget to mention that I play cricket and can bowl quite well?”

“That’s it, this is war,” Fraser replied.

However, before Fraser could pick up the nearest plate of mashed turnips, Lorna said, “Stop or you won’t eat at all.”

All eyes moved to Finn, their clan leader. He shrugged one shoulder as he held a baby against the other. “This is Aunt Lorna’s house. It’s the one place where everyone listens to her, me included.”

Everyone sat in silence. Grant wasn’t sure if he was dreaming. He’d never seen the lot of them so quiet.

He glanced over at his mother, unsure of what he’d see. But Gillian sat with a smile on her face, trying not to laugh. Fraser slyly flicked an ice cube at Faye, and his mother did chuckle out loud. Lorna smiled warmly at her. “Aye, they have the manners of wild dogs, but they can make you laugh like no other. And as I always say, laughter is more precious than gold.”

“Since when do you say that?” Faye drawled.

“Since now. You lot have always been too busy picking up or tossing food to earn my words of wisdom.”

Ross snorted and Lorna glared at her mate. Ross kissed her cheek. “We love you just the way you are, Lorna.”

His mother’s smile faded and Lorna noticed. “Don’t worry, Gillian. Everyone deserves a second chance. We’ll find you yours.”

Gillian shook her head. “No, I’m fine—”

“Nonsense,” Lorna said. “There are several single older males in the clan or in the surrounding human towns. Ross here will help me find one that is worthy of you.”

Ross sighed. “Now, Lorna, how about we ask her what she wants, love?”

Faye jumped in. “How about we discuss that later? I’m starving. Since I’m carrying a bairn, you shouldn’t keep me waiting. Besides, Holly is probably hungry too.”

Holly put up her hands. “I’m staying out of it.”

Fraser said, “I’ll speak up. I heard her belly rumble. You don’t want her to expire right here in the middle of dinner, now, do you, Mum?”

Lorna shook her head. “I’m exhausted from cooking. Just go ahead and eat, but remember that the guests get first pick and then the new or expectant mothers.”

Faye snatched four rolls and dumped them on her plate. “Grant, help your mum. I need to load up my plate before Fraser takes all of the best bits of roast, pretending they’re for his mate when in actuality they’re for him.”

Grant expected another row to ensue, but Fraser was busy heaping food onto his mate’s plate.

Grant knew that Faye could fend for herself when it came to meals, so he turned toward his mother. “Go on, Mum. I have a feeling that if you don’t take something now, you might not eat.”

Gillian smiled and said to Lorna, “It looks delicious.”

Lorna waved a hand in dismissal. “It’s nothing. Next time, we can cook together. I hear you have a gravy recipe to die for.”

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