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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons 3)

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Lorna’s cheeks flushed, and Ross’s ego went up a notch.

In the next second, Lorna’s skin glowed a faint green before her nose elongated into a snout, wings sprouted from her back, and her form stretched to a height over ten feet.

Ross barely had time to shut his dropped jaw before Lorna stood in the clearing in her green dragon form. As if wanting to add a little drama, she flicked her wings up and out. The wingspan had to be more than twenty feet.

As he continued to stare, Lorna shook her head, and it broke the spell.

Not wanting Lorna to change her mind and shift back, Ross walked slowly to her side. He moved his hand until it was an inch from her green-scaled side and met her large dragon eye. “I just want to make sure you’re not going to bite me if I pet you.”

After she flashed a grin, Lorna’s chest rumbled with what he assumed was a dragon chuckle.

The question had been more out of curiosity, but it seemed to have broken the tension. Ross gently ran a hand down Lorna’s side. The green, grooved scales were sleek but tough like hardened leather.

He kept his hand on Lorna’s side as he moved down her body. Once he stood under an outstretched wing, he reached up, but couldn’t quite make contact with the bat-like appendage. Lorna lowered her wing until he could lightly brush the thinner membrane between her wing bones. While tough, the skin was softer than her scales.

Chancing a glance over his shoulder, he found Lorna watching him with curiosity. The dragonwoman was trying to hide it, but the tension of her body told him she was nervous. He needed to make her feel more at ease. “Don’t try to hurry me, woman. You’ll learn to appreciate my attention to detail later on. Believe me, I like to investigate every inch of your woman form. Maybe even with my tongue.”

Heat flashed in Lorna’s dragon eyes, and Ross resisted a chuckle. He didn’t want to push her too far.

He reluctantly lowered his arm and continued down her body to her tail. Lorna flicked it at him but stopped a few inches before it would hit him in the bollocks. At the sound of another dragon chuckle, he frowned and looked over his shoulder. “Smacking me there would be quite the loss for you, lass. Besides, we don’t want to risk breaking my old hip, now do we?”

He winked and Lorna shook her head. Ross could just imagine what the woman wanted to say.

Just as he stepped over her tail, Lorna wrapped the long appendage around his waist. She lifted him into the air and rotated until he was upside down. With a gentle shake, his keys and wallet fell out.

But he couldn’t be cross at the amusement dancing in Lorna’s eyes. He bet it’d been years since she’d played with anyone in her dragon form.

He still couldn’t believe she was sharing it with him.

A second later, he was back on his feet, and she released him. Ross moved to her head and petted Lorna’s snout. As he stared at the lovely green dragon in the late afternoon light, Ross murmured, “Thank you for sharing your dragon with me.”


Lorna was on the verge of tears. The usually stubborn, opinionated Ross Anderson was being kind and gentle. He’d even smiled as she dangled him from her tail.

For years, Lorna had wondered what she’d feel if she ever shared her dragon with a male she cared for. Would she feel guilty? Shy? Or, even angry for betraying her dead mate? Yet as she gazed into Ross’s eyes, it seemed all of her worries had been unfounded.

Her beast spoke up. Of course they were.

I needed the time to heal, dragon. Jamie was our true mate; it wasn’t easy getting over him.

I know, but you just needed the right male to share it with.

Eyeing Ross as he continued to pat her nose, Lorna knew her beast was right. Seeing Stuart earlier had been nice, but the mere thought of shifting into a dragon and flying in the air with him made her stomach twist. Maybe Ross was what she needed. Being human, he was different from Jamie. That made it easier.

Her dragon huffed. Whatever the reason, it’s now time to coax him into bed.

Not yet.

Why not? You know him well. He’s attractive and likes us. What else is there?

The children.

Her dragon grunted. Fraser might never accept it.

Regardless, I need to talk with them before I make any long-term plans.

Fine. But there’s no harm in a little more kissing, now, is there?

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