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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons 3)

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He raised his brows. “But would you have been ready then? I somehow doubt it. Every heart needs time to heal, some more than others. I never thought I’d be able to accept Anne was gone and to find someone else, but I did. Hell, I’m even glad of the cancer now, since it brought me to you and my second chance.”

Placing her hands on his chest, Lorna teased his chest hair with her palms. “Those are fancy words considering we only kissed this morning.”

Ross rolled them over until he caged her with his arms. “It’s been nearly half a year since we met and I don’t know about you, but I’ve treasured most of the days.”


“Aye, the constant bickering with your youngest son I could’ve done without.”

She smiled. “His protectiveness comes from his father. His spirit might have come from me.”

“Might have?”

She chuckled. “Okay, all of it did come from me.” She remained quiet a minute. When she finally replied, her voice was sober. “I still miss him, you know. Jamie.”

Ross caressed her cheek. “Aye, I know. I miss my Anne every day. But I think she would’ve liked you. Even though Anne was quiet, she was stubborn and strong-willed. She found creative ways to get her way.”

“Jamie was a wee bit possessive, but deep down, I know he’d want me to be happy.”

“Then why do you keep pushing the chance away, Lorna? One minute you can’t get enough of me, and the next you shut down and keep me at arm’s length. I don’t like the latter, lass.”

She searched Ross’s eyes. This was one of those important moments in life when a person knew it could shape their future. If Lorna didn’t open up to Ross now and speak the truth, she might lose her chance with him in the long run.

Her dragon spoke up. Just tell him already so we can have more sex.

Such a single-track mind.

We’ve done it your way for decades. Now, I want my way, too.

“So, is your dragon on my side?” Ross asked.

Lorna snorted. “Of course she is. I think she does it to get back at me for all the years of celibacy.”

You have that right, her beast stated.

Ross replied before Lorna could, “Then maybe she could convince you to tell me why you pulled away earlier.”

As Ross stroked her cheek, Lorna decided she was done with hesitating. She wanted Ross to know all of her. “It’s been more than two decades since I’ve been with a male and my body has changed. I’m still getting used to being naked around you.”

“Oh, aye? Then maybe I need to make you so used to my touch that it feels strange to be apart.”

“Trying to charm me, human?”

He grinned. “Yes, and don’t expect me to stop anytime soon.”

Lorna laughed as Ross moved away to sit on his heels, his legs straddling the sides of her own.

He ran a finger across one shoulder and then the other. “These shoulders have had a lot to bear over the years, and yet they’re still straight and strong.” He moved his hand and laid his palm over her heart. “This heart is big enough to take in a nephew to raise, as well as an old man and even help with her daughter-in-law’s sister.”

Lorna should frown and tell him that almost anyone on Lochguard would do the same, but she didn’t want to break the spell. Ross’s husky words and gentle touch were addictive.

Ross cupped her breasts and gently lifted. “Not only did these nurture your bairns, but they also make any straight man dream of doing this.” Leaning down, Ross took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled. Each pull made her core pulse. Then he switched to the other one and Lorna bit her lip to keep from moaning.

Releasing her nipple with a flick of his tongue, Ross released her breasts to take hold of her wide hips. “And your hips. Hell, Lorna, they have just enough cushion to protect you from my fierce grip. And as for your arse,”—he slid one hand to under her arse cheek—“let’s just say I can’t wait to take you from behind. Your lovely arse will keep me from breaking my bones.”

She smiled. “You’re being silly. Sex isn’t going to break you.”

“I don’t know.” He thickened his accent. “I hear dragonwomen can be verra demanding in the bedroom.”

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