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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons 3)

Page 39

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Lorna lifted her hips and Ross positioned his cock between them. As she sunk down, both dragon and woman felt complete in a way they hadn’t in nearly thirty years. Maybe if she’d been twenty years younger and of childbearing age, Ross might’ve stirred the mate-claim frenzy.

But true mate or not, Ross Anderson was hers to keep. The only trick would be in finding a way to mate the man she loved in front of the clan. Her human didn’t deserve anything less.

Then Ross guided her hips back and forth, and Lorna forgot about everything except the male inside her.


One month later

Lorna adjusted the dark blue shoulder strap of her traditional dress for the tenth time. The blasted thing kept slipping. “I should’ve brought some tape.”

Faye rolled her eyes. “Right, because that’s what every dragon-shifter brings to her mating ceremony.”

Lorna tsked. “I thought you agreed to be somewhat less sarcastic today.”

“Aye, I’m trying. It’s quite difficult, though.”

Fraser peeked his head inside the small room. “Aren’t you ready yet, Mum? The great hall still doesn’t have a roof and the tents only keep out so much of the drizzle.”

Lorna raised an eyebrow. “I don’t recall you having such trouble with rain when you snuck out as a young lad.”

“Aye, well, it’s Holly I’m worried about, not me. She shouldn’t be out in the chill,” Fraser answered.

Faye shook her head. “Holly is wearing at least three layers plus a jacket. She’ll be fine.”

“I still don’t like it,” Fraser muttered.

Lorna stood tall. “I’m just glad you haven’t decided to sabotage the ceremony. You and Ross were gone a long time last night. I wasn’t sure if you had tried to carry him back to Aberdeen or not.”

Fraser put on a look of mock shock. “You think so little of me, Mother.”

Despite herself, Lorna smiled. “Aye, with good reason.”

Faye moved to the door. “Come, Fraser. The longer you stand here chatting, the longer Holly is out in the cold. If you’re so determined to get your mate inside, then let’s go.”

Fergus’s head appeared next to Fraser’s. “Aye, let’s go. Holly sent me to retrieve you. She thought you might be trying to kidnap Mum.”

Fraser sighed. “Even my mate is against me. I’m not sure how I’ll keep on going now.”

Fergus placed a hand on Fraser’s shoulder. “You can wax on about your dire circumstances later. Come on.”

As Fergus guided Fraser away, Faye turned to face Lorna. “I was going to wait until later, but I have an early mating present for you.”


“I’m getting my own cottage.”

Lorna closed the space between them and searched her daughter’s eyes. “Is this what you want? I don’t wish for you to move out just on my account.”

Faye smiled. “Mum, you’ve taken care of me long enough. You and Ross will want some privacy, and I need to focus on finding my new place in the clan.”

She touched Faye’s cheek. “Don’t give up on your dream, hen.”

Faye placed her hand over Lorna’s. “I won’t, Mum. But no amount of physical therapy will get me back to where I once was. I need to accept that.”

“Whatever you do, I’ll be there for you, Faye.”

Faye blinked, probably to keep back tears. “I know, Mum.” Her daughter cleared her throat. “But enough about me. Ross is probably starting to wonder where you are. And at his age, you don’t want to get his blood pressure up.”

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