The Sweetest Oblivion (Made 1) - Page 71

Nico’s hands were braced on the island, and he watched me, his gaze a warm caress on my skin. I’d met his stare enough to grow used to it by now, but tonight something was different. It wasn’t rude. It was pensive, calculating, slightly devious. Like he was contemplating doing something he shouldn’t.

I swallowed, tore my gaze away, and didn’t look back.

I assumed I would be grilled on the way home, but nobody said a word to me. My mamma talked about the wedding that was next weekend, and my papà responded accordingly from the driver’s seat.

Adriana fell asleep, her head resting against the window.

Tony wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving me a squeeze. I listened to the tire noise, watched the yellow light fly by and cascade through the glass and into the car.

Through it all, I still saw the calculating expression on Nico’s face, still felt the caress on my skin.

And I knew it like the sky was blue, he’d been thinking about me.

It was Thursday afternoon. Hot sun burned on concrete, while the smells of fresh bread and garlic filled the air outside Francesco’s green double doors.

My gaze focused on the ground as I walked from the car to the restaurant, because the strap on one of my heels had come undone. I tried to fix it, hopped on one foot, and when I began to tip sideways a strong hand gripped my waist from behind and steadied me.

“You’re a walking hazard, you know that?”

I tensed. His deep voice rushed over me and filled my insides with a warmth it shouldn’t.

As I stepped away from his grasp, his palm skimmed from my waist to my hip. A burning caress. It felt obscene when he touched me, like he had his hands in much different places than only on my side. The feeling was frustrating because I couldn’t stop it, nor could I turn off the thrill that buzzed beneath my skin when he was near.

My eyes narrowed but I kept my mouth closed. I’d gone over how I would deal with this man: I wouldn’t. Don’t engage him. It was the best I could come up with.

When I continued to walk awkwardly with my strap dangling against my ankle, an amused breath came from behind me.

“The silent treatment, huh?”

My teeth clenched. He thought this was funny. How could I be so confused and twisted up about him, while he thought it was all amusing? I spun around, retorting, “You pushed me into a pool! Why should I talk to you?”

Light blue shirt, gray waistcoat and pants, black tie, stupidly handsome face. I swallowed. Why did I engage? It was too late to go back now.

He ran a thumb across his bottom lip, his gaze falling to coast over my strapless nude dress and pink heels. “You’re the little liar, Elena.”

Of course he’d turn this around on me; he was too good at that. “Me? You tried to blackmail me!”

“If you would’ve listened to me in the first place I wouldn’t have had to.”

Was he serious? His gaze remained stoic. Ugh, he was.

I turned around, and when I almost fell again, I braced a palm on the hot brick wall and managed to buckle my shoe with one hand.

“Where’s your cousin?” he asked, typing something on his phone. “You shouldn’t be out here alone.”

Benito had only dropped me off at the door to go park, and Mamma and Papà had driven separately with Adriana. But that was none of Nicolas’s business.

“Quit the brotherly act. I already have one.”

I said it just because I thought it bothered him.

His jaw ticked. “Inside, Elena.”

“Ask me nicely,” I retorted, mocking him from the time he’d said it to me.

His gaze came up from his phone, amused, dark. “If you don’t get your ass inside, Elena, you’ll be the one screaming please.”

My God . . .

Tags: Danielle Lori Made Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025