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Kidnapped For His Royal Heir (Passion in Paradise)

Page 53

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‘I see sense?’ she finished for him. ‘Your new offer is to marry you and gain the side benefit of hot sex?’

One sleek thumb brushed over her full bottom lip, a gesture that reeked too boldly of ownership. The kind that triggered a shivery response within her. ‘I’m glad you acknowledge it will be hot. And, yes, it could be an infinitely pleasurable benefit of our marriage. Think about it.’

‘You’re forgetting something, Your Highness.’

‘What’s that?’

She took a decided step back away from temptation. ‘Chemistry doesn’t last for ever. Or even long enough for the ink to dry on a marriage certificate,’ she pointed out. ‘Thanks but, no, thanks, I won’t base my future on that.’

Seconds ticked by, then Zak dragged his hands through his hair, a tense, self-mocking smile curving his lips. ‘A hell of a way to start a truce, hmm?’

She shrugged. ‘We seem to bring out the worst in each other, it seems.’

‘I wouldn’t quite call it that,’ he murmured, his voice low and thick.

Alarmed she was about to drown in another torrent of emotional vulnerability, she averted her gaze from the rakish tousle of his hair and the strong bronzed throat that made her fingers itch to caress him.

He glanced at his sleek wristwatch. ‘We’ve done enough for one day, I think. Let’s get back to the villa. Dinner will be served in an hour.’

And just like that, the thought that she would be spending some more time with him sent twin pulses of pleasure and fear through her.

Because, more than anything, she wanted another glimpse at the man beneath the stiff royal exterior. Wanted to soothe his fears, share his dreams. Wanted to take her place next to him. Because that man was the one she hadn’t quite allowed herself to dream about.

But she’d seen him, witnessed a crack in his façade. And as Zak held out his hand to her once more, Violet couldn’t help the sensation growing in her heart. Or quieten the voice that whispered that the crack might fracture...perhaps even break apart to reveal his true self...with time and patience.

With love?


VIOLET REFUSED TO admit that the truce was the reason she took her time with dressing that evening. She was simply sharing an animosity-free meal with Zak.

He was waiting for her in the elegant dining room that opened up into a wide terrace. A sea breeze wafted in, the reminder that she was on a true tropical paradise lingering in the air.

A paradise she hadn’t chosen to be on, true, but with their truce in place, she chose to suspend her outrage. Perhaps it was a foolish and slippery slope, but as she watched Zak, clad in dark tailored trousers and white, open-necked shirt, confidently stroll over to her, his gaze taking in her sea-green chiffon dress and returning to her face with latent fire in his eyes, Violet decided to just...go with the flow.

‘You look exquisite,’ he breathed, his low voice low pulsing with a cadence that trebled her heartbeat.

‘I... Thank you.’

His lips curved in a smile as he picked up a frosted glass from the table and held it out to her. ‘Here, try this.’

She accepted the offering. ‘What is it?’

‘A special fruit punch prepared by Geraldine. She swears it works wonders with morning sickness.’

About to ask what conversation had gone on between Zak and his housekeeper regarding her pregnancy, she decided to let it go. He’d lauded their loyalty and discretion on the day of their arrival. It stood to reason that they’d already know that she was pregnant.

She lifted the glass, the umbrella perched on it tickling her nose as she took a sip. Delicious bursts of coconut underlain with ginger delighted her taste buds. She groaned and took the second sip.

‘I take it you like it,’ he said, amused.

‘Oh, my God, yes, it’s amazing.’

His smile widened and that treacherous, giddy sensation inside her expanded. At that exact moment she recalled her throwaway comment earlier this afternoon about the women of Europe being welcome to him.

Violet wanted to blurt out that she hadn’t meant it. They weren’t welcome to him. Because she wanted him. She bit her tongue in time, redirecting her attention to the dining table. Complete with exquisite twin candelabra, fine crystal and sterling silver cutlery, it was the most elaborate setting she

’d seen since her arrival.

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