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The Greek's Hidden Vows

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‘I love you,’ he groaned. ‘Marry me again, Alexis. In front of every undeserving family member I have, this time. Give me the honour of being the father of your children?’

‘Yes, Christos. To all of it.’

* * *

Nine months and one week later, Christos passed shaky fingers through his hair as he paced the private hospital room.

Perhaps that was to be his fate, to tremble before the woman he loved for all eternity. As sacrifices went, it was one he would willingly perform over and over. For the gift of Alexis. And the new gift they were about to be blessed with.

‘Something funny?’ The wife of his heart and soul gasped, before sending a glare his way.

‘No, my love.’

‘Good. Now get over here. I can feel another contraction about to rip me apart.’

He did as he was told, linked his fingers with hers, pressed his lips against her temple and held on tight as she brought their child into the world.

A thankfully short hour later, their miracle was placed in their arms. Christos took one look at Diana, his baby girl, and fell head over heels in love for the second time in his life.

‘Kalosorizo, glykia mou,’ he rasped, his throat tight with emotion. ‘Welcome.’

‘Oh, Christos. She’s gorgeous.’

‘Almost as beautiful as her mama,’ he said, unable to contain the joy moving through him.

‘Come here, I want to hold both of you,’ she insisted.

She made space on the bed and held out her arms. He perched beside her, his lips dropping a soft kiss on his daughter’s head, before pressing a deeper kiss on his wife’s lips. ‘I still don’t deserve you,’ he murmured.

Her face creased in a smile. ‘You’ve given me your heart, and the family of my soul. I want nothing more than to love you as you love me.’

‘I do, Alexis. You have made me the happiest man on earth.’

They stared down at their baby for a few lovestruck minutes before she looked up. ‘How much time do we have before Costas and your parents summon us for another visit?’

‘Probably a week, maybe two. Costas believes he’s found his second wind after his operation and wants to expend all his energy on his great-granddaughter.’

‘I can’t wait to show Diana her true home.’ The home Costas had signed over to him without reservation six months ago after admitting his machinations had been to shake Christos out of his apathy and into fighting harder for the family he deserved. The place where he’d started to rebuild his relationship with his parents, thanks to Alexis’s encouragement and support.

‘No, agape mou. Home is wherever you are. Drakonisos is special because it’s where we first loved each other.’

Her arms tightened, and Christos’s heart sang. Because he knew, in her arms, he would always find love. And home.

* * *

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