Home on the Ranch: Texas Wedding - Page 26

“What else did my father tell you?” she cut him off, eyes narrowed.

“A bunch.” He smiled, taking a large bite of tart. “He worries you’ll move to Fire Gorge now that your best friends are there? Worries you take on too much for others. He wants you to settle down and have a family. He wants you to take care of yourself. Said something about the vow tree?”

She choked on her water. “He mentioned the vow tree?”

“Some family secret I gather?” He waited, hoping she’d elaborate.

“Which is why I’m surprised.” Her long blond hair moved in time with the shaking of her head. Her coloring was off. A little pale. A little green.

“It’ll get easier further along. The nausea, I mean.” He paused. “Which reminds me, I wanted to talk to you.” The instant stiffening of her spine reminded him to keep it light.

“We’re not talking here,” she whispered. “Ash, please, Lola probably has the table bugged and hidden cameras all around this place. You have no idea...” Then those blue eyes blazed a little brighter at his smile.

Teddy and Clara had recommended the raspberry tarts—but they’d told him all about Lola Stephens and her predilection for gossip. He needed Renata to listen, without arguing. Pop’s Bakery seemed like the perfect place to do just that.

“Maybe you do. Why, exactly, are we here?” She sat back, crossing her arms over her stomach.

“Clara told me about the tarts.” He spooned a mouthful of the powdered-sugar-topped confection into his mouth. The flavor erupted on his tongue, buttery sweetness that he would have been able to enjoy a little more if Renata wasn’t shooting daggers his way.

“Here you go.” Lola placed the spoon on the table, her eyes sweeping over them both before she headed back to her place at the counter.

“I’m sure Clara also told you Lola knows everything about everybody? That her favorite pastime is sticking her nose into other people’s business. Nicely, but nosy all the same.” Her blue gaze darted over his shoulder “It’s no accident that she’s now stationed herself at the cash register. I don’t know what you’re after, Ash, but why don’t you cut to the chase?”

She was sincerely upset—something he’d wanted to avoid. But there was no help for it. Might as well be direct. “Did you sleep last night?”

Her fingers wrapped around the spoon handle and Ash pushed the plate closer to her. “No.” She took a small spoonful of the tart.

“Neither did I.”

One bite tempted her to lean forward for another spoonful.

“There’s no easy solution here, Renata. We both know that.” He paused long enough for her to nod before he went on. “In fact, as far as I can tell, there’s only one solution.”

She took another bite of tart. “By all means, share.”

“You were right when you said we don’t know each other well. What I do know, I like.”

Her gaze drifted from the tart to his face. “Agreed.” Red stained her cheeks before her gaze returned to the tart.

“We need to decide what’s best for the baby.” He intentionally lowered his voice, leaning forward for another spoonful.

Her spoon clattered to the tabletop and she kicked him under the table.

He frowned and rubbed his calf. “That won’t draw attention.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s too late to avoid that,” she snapped back.

“Then I guess it won’t matter if I get down on one knee to ask what I’m going to ask?” He set his spoon down, searching those blue eyes for even the tiniest sliver of encouragement.

“You spend breakfast talking to my father and decide to...to... You do realize what year it is, right?” She hugged herself. “I mean, I know my dad’s charming and all, but you cannot be serious, Ash?”

“About marrying you?” He nodded. “Absolutely. It’s best for the baby.” Her kick was a bit harder this time. Only saving grace? She wasn’t wearing her cowboy boots.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, appearing just as startled as he was. “Involuntary reflex that time.”

“What’s best is two parents. A family. Under the same roof. Stability. Being there for each other, no matter what.”

“And love?” she asked, her voice going up an octave. “What about that?”

Tags: Sasha Summers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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