A Cowboy to Call Daddy (The Boones of Texas 4) - Page 58

“Here.” She moved in close, shifting Lily into her arms. “Give him a kiss from me,” she said.

He nodded, smiling down at her. “Can do.”

She stepped back, patting Lily to keep her sleeping. But Archer stayed at her side, waiting for his siblings to join him.

“We haven’t met. I’m Hunter. The oldest,” he said, smiling. “The giant one is Fisher. You know Archer and Renata. And this is Ryder, the baby. You must be Eden.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry we’re meeting under such circumstances.”

“Dad’s tough,” Ryder stated. “He’s probably looking for some sympathy from his new girlfriend.”

The siblings smiled.

“Where is Clara?” she asked.

“Dad woke up and wanted her,” Renata said, shrugging. “He gets what he wants.”

Eden smiled.

“Be back,” Archer said.

“I’ll wait.” She kept patting Lily’s back, trying not to react to the head-to-toe inspection by each and every member of the Boone family.

* * *

“WHO KNEW YOU had it in you?” Ryder said, clapping Archer on the shoulder.

Archer scowled at his little brother.

“We’re happy for you,” Hunter exclaimed, smacking Ryder on the back of the head.

Archer ignored their teasing and followed the nurse. For once, he didn’t mind the picking. They were all so relieved their father was okay. Because if there was one thing they all agreed on, it was how much they loved their father. He was their rock, their cornerstone, a constant in their daily lives.

Even catching his father mid-kiss didn’t rattle Archer. Hell, his father had a right to be kissing Clara. He should have someone to kiss every day, to smile with, talk to and laugh with.

“Oh.” Clara jumped up, blushing.

Their father was grinning ear to ear. “If I’d known this was the way to get kisses from a beautiful woman and all my kids in one place at the same time, I’d have nose-dived off a horse years ago.”

“Daddy.” Renata laughed, moving to the other side of the bed to drop a kiss on his cheek. “No more diving. We’ll be better about getting together.”

“I’ll take that as a promise.” He patted Renata’s hand.

Archer stood at the foot of the bed, trying not to get hung up on the IVs, the beeping heart monitor or thick white bandage wrapped around his father’s head. “You hurting?” he asked, sitting on the end of the bed. He patted his father’s foot, resting his hand there, the slight contact enough to ease Archer’s lingering worry.

“My back, a little,” he said. “My head.” He smiled. “Guess that goes without saying.”

“What happened?” Hunter asked.

“Don’t know. Can’t remember much.”

Archer sat, content to watch his father and siblings. The quick banter and gentle teasing. His father might be bruised and bandaged, but he looked happy. Patting Clara’s hand on his shoulder, laughing at Fisher’s story—Fisher always had stories—Ryder’s quick comebacks, and Renata and Hunter taking turns shushing them all and telling them to behave.

“I’m only going to say one thing.” His father drew in a deep breath. “We need to be better about making time for this family. All of us, so these babies know their roots and they’re loved. You hear me?”

They all mumbled agreement, a long awkward silence stretching out before Hunter asked, “You like Archer’s gal?”

“You missed it.” Ryder paused, holding up his hands. “Archer was holding a baby. A baby.”

Tags: Sasha Summers The Boones of Texas Romance
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