Seducing the Best Man - Page 43

She shook her head, waving. “No. Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.”

“I’m a good teacher,” the other cousin, Dean, spoke up.

It was hard to ignore the creak of the kitchen door. She almost stopped herself from looking up. Almost. Lucy and Patton carried plates and cutlery toward the table. Bianca joined Zach at horseshoes.

“Oh, leave her alone,” Lucy interrupted. “You’re losing to Jared and you’re looking for a distraction.” She put the plates on the picnic table and winked at Cady.

“Gee, thanks, sis.” Dean frowned at his sister.

“The only girl?” Cady asked, returning the smile of the perky curly-haired blonde in front of her.

“Yep. Don’t forget Mark and Mason,” she pointed. “Or the twins of terror, as I call them. I think the only reason they became firemen is because they were such pyromaniacs as kids.”

Cady acknowledged the twins throwing darts and cracking jokes with Zach, Dean and Jared. There was no denying the Ryans were a good-looking bunch of men. Or that they were a close-knit family. A lump settled in her throat. “That’s a lot of testosterone.” She glanced at Mrs. Ryan. “I can’t believe you do this every week.”

“Oh, it’s not always this nice. Have a seat and some lemon icebox pie.” She offered Cady a plate.

Cady sat, taking a bite of the pie. “This is amazing.” She took another bite, all too aware that Patton sat beside her on the bench.

Mrs. Ryan smiled. “Thank you. I normally make a casserole, lasagna or pasta salads. But I wanted to do a little more since this was Bianca’s first family dinner and all,” she explained. “Now that you’re practically family, you’re welcome to join us anytime, Cady.”

Mrs. Ryan’s words were exactly what she needed to snap out of it.

What was doing? She wasn’t joining the Ryan family. So why was she still sitting here? This wasn’t...her. She ignored the very present feeling of Patton at her shoulder—and the very real possibility that his presence was why she was still here. But why? This wasn’t what she wanted. This wasn’t part of her life, these weren’t her friends or family—besides Bianca.

“Thank you for the wonderful meal,” she said, standing. She needed to go to the gym, work off some frustration and clear her head. Then she needed to make sure the debugs were ready to run over the weekend for their new international client. She didn’t have time for family dinners, falling in love or raging hormones. And, since none of those things were priorities, she wasn’t going to make time for any of them. “It’s getting late. I should go.” Cady took Mrs. Ryan’s hand in hers, shaking it.

“Oh, honey, we’re huggers around here.” Mrs. Ryan hugged her—hard. “You’re welcome anytime,” the woman said in her ear.

Cady felt a sudden sting in her eyes—ratcheting taut her already tightly wound emotions. But she managed to speak without sounding like a woman on the edge. “I appreciate that.”

She gave Bianca an extralong hug. “I’ll see you Saturday? Reception decorations?”

Bianca nodded. “But... I’d rather have some alone time if you’re free for lunch tomorrow?”

Which would be a very bad idea. She’d almost spilled everything to Bianca. Once her emotional epiphany was out there, it would impossible to ignore. So Cady hedged, “I’m swamped at work. Tomorrow’s the last day to make sure the big upgrade and debug goes off without a hitch this weekend. Can’t lose this client—it’s that big new Japanese firm, remember? And there’s the office party.”

“Knock ’em dead, Cady.” Bibi hugged her, hard. “I know you’ll get the promotion.”

Cady made her goodbyes quickly, keeping her smile as bland as possible when she locked eyes with Patton.

“It was nice to meet you.” Lucy walked with her across the yard, her words a hurried whisper. “Listen, it’s none of my business, but I love my cousin. Patton’s a great guy and... I’ve never seen him act like this over a woman. Ever.”

Cady had no time to process Lucy’s words before Spence opened the gate. “Ready? I figure I’ll be the gentleman tonight. I wouldn’t want you to get attacked in the three hundred feet that lies between here and the safety of your car.”

Cady laughed, following him through the gate. “Yes.”

“Should I put on my bulletproof vest?” Spence asked. He had a nice smile. “I mean, our neighborhood is pretty shady.”

Cady shook her head, the tension in her chest easing. “That’s the word I’d use to describe your neighborhood, all right. Shady—from all the glorious trees and manicured lawns.”

Spence laughed then.

“Cady,” Patton called out, “What time am I picking you up tomorrow night?”

Cady turned back to stare at Patton. She wasn’t alone. Everyone in the Ryan’s backyard was staring at him—stunned into absolute silence. What was he up to?

“We don’t have any wedding stuff planned, do we?” Zach finally asked, looking at Bianca for confirmation.

Tags: Sasha Summers Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024