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Hollywood Ever After (Red Carpet 1)

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Not now I wasn’t.

I knew without a doubt that I was staring. My heart was already pounding from my almost-accident, yet it picked up considerably. There had been air in my lungs, but it was gone now. The crowds, the photographers faded into the background.

He was tall and broad, but lean versus thickly muscled. His dirty-blond hair was tousled, falling every which way. He had a strong profile, with a square jaw and classic chiseled features. His eyes were hazel, golden and mesmerizing, as he regarded me. He was young and absolutely gorgeous and my heart was pounding like a bass drum.

I was mortified. Where was this reaction coming from? Why was I staring? And blushing? And speechless? He was a movie star, and years younger than me—as if that was relevant, for crying out loud.

“Yes, thanks. Sorry,” I finally spoke, stammering a bit as I stepped out of his hold.

“Josh!” Shannon gave him a one-armed hug.

Amy led me off the main thoroughfare, giving me time to gather my wits about me. The press was snapping furiously at Shannon and Josh. Amy smiled at me, explaining, “This is his movie: Josh Wiley. He’s headlining; a break-out role. The studio just loves him!”

I nodded. I could see why. If he was half as talented as he was handsome, the kid would have the world at his feet. My eyes traveled over the crowd. “They’re not alone.” Glossy pictures of him were waved frantically from amongst the crowd. A few held handmade signs praising his acting, his eyes, his voice—and other things that shouldn’t be on public display.

Shannon spoke with Josh quickly, then gave him a peck on the cheek. A tiny twinge of envy shot through me before we headed off again.

I was amazed; the line of reporters seemed endless. Amy led Shannon through them, kept her on time, and moved her along. After the first few interviews the questions lost some originality, and by then Shannon had her answers down pat. I let my eyes wander with a mix of horror and fascination at the clamor for attention taking place on both sides of the barricades. I knew I’d never be comfortable with this kind of attention.

“It’s a bit of a madhouse.” Josh Wiley’s voice startled me. He was leaning forward so I could hear him.

I nodded, determined to keep my eyes off him. “It can’t be good for your hearing.” I winced a bit as a loud chorus of “We love you, Josh!” came from the crowds.

He smiled at me—a really beautiful blinding smile that set the girls off with more gusto. I felt a little weak-kneed myself, so I turned my attention back to Shannon, hoping Amy would be there to lead me away…quickly. Amy was there, but she snagged Shannon and moved on, leaving me stranded without a backward glance.

“Keep me company?” He watched and waited. I was trying desperately not to stare back.

“Um…” Please don’t look like an idiot. “Sure.” That was sweet of him, rather gallant, actually.

“First premiere?” He was smiling at the flashing cameras. His eyes flickered over the crowd quickly. He waved slightly, eliciting more shrieks from the fans. His eyes were sparkling when he turned back to me.

“That’s a rhetorical question, right?” I sounded nervous. I wasn’t sure, but my attempt to not stare at him didn’t seem to be working the way I would’ve liked.

He moved closer, taking my arm to help steer me forward. The instant his hand closed on my arm, my skin tingled. I drew in a quick breath, aware my heart was racing. Our eyes met and he smiled another unbelievable smile. He leaned in closer, his mouth by my ear.

“Your accent.”

“I have an accent?” I cocked an eyebrow, surprised. “Really?”

He laughed, his eyes crinkling in the most devastating manner. I was distracted by his mouth, which seemed very close. “Somewhere in the South?” He raised an eyebrow expectantly.

“I have a Texas accent?” I knew I sounded mortified. I was mortified.

“Not Texas necessarily,” he drawled, his attempt at a Texas twang totally surprising and comically horrid.

I laughed before I could catch myself, covering my mouth.

His smile changed. I don’t know if I’d offended him, but he was staring at me. Not rudely, just intently. It was as if he was really seeing me for the first time, and that maybe he was intrigued by what he saw.

A knot twisted in my stomach; an unsteady hitch echoed in my breath. My hand dropped from my mouth and I smiled apologetically. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” His expression grew thoughtful as his eyes burned into mine expectantly. The knot tightened; warmth spread through my stomach and into my chest. Heat flooded my cheeks. After feeling nothing but apprehension in the presence of men, my reaction to Josh caught me completely off guard. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but decided not to analyze it. I doubted I’d ever see him again.

“Sorry.” Shannon was at my elbow. “Sorry, sorry. Josh, thank you. Claire, I’m sorry. I’m like a deer in headlights.”

My gaze dropped from his while I tried to breathe normally, though I felt his eyes still on my face. “I just need to keep up.” Did I sound as rattled as I felt? I didn’t look back as we walked away, but it took an effort.


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