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Hollywood Ever After (Red Carpet 1)

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“It’s hardly a misunderstanding. I don’t know what’s happened, but I know I’m worried for you. Because you can’t do this alone, and you shouldn’t have to. Talk to me.” His face hovered inches above mine as he kissed me sweetly. “Please, Claire.”

I met his gaze, my mind racing as I let his words sink in. Tell him? Include him? Or not? I wanted to. I wanted his strength. I knew he’d make it easier with his support. But it felt selfish to want to lean on him now. I spoke softly, trying to inject a little humor. “I can’t help it. I don’t want to shut you out, but I don’t want you to be sucked into the…the vortex of gloom that seems to hover right outside my happiness.”

He laughed a little at my tone, my attempt to lighten the very real emotions behind the words. “Happy guardian, remember?” His hands found mine.

I nodded, letting my eyes travel over his face as I considered what to do. “Yes.” My eyes searched his. I had to trust; our relationship depended on that. I took a deep breath. “Daniel called.” I found my gown and pulled my phone from the pocket. I handed it to him. “I think once you listen to his messages, you’ll understand why I’m freaking out. Just wait until I’m in bed because I don’t want to hear them. Once was more than enough.”

He looked at me, then the phone. “What did he say? In general?”

“He’s angry about the way things are progressing between you and me.” I chewed on my lip anxiously. “He threatened me. And you.”

There was a loud thud from the bathroom as the door was thrown into the wall. The sound of retching followed, then crying. “Mom!” It was Will. I pulled my gown on quickly and was out the door before he could call again.

Natalie was standing in the bathroom doorway, bleary-eyed. “He climbed in bed with me a while back, saying his tummy hurt. At least he made it to the bathroom.”

“Thank you, Nat.” I kissed her forehead and dropped to my knees by Will. “Are you okay?” I wet a washcloth as I knelt beside Will, wiping his face as he shivered on the floor by the toilet.

“I think so.” He swayed on unsteady feet.

I smiled at Natalie. “Go climb into bed and try to get some sleep. Sorry.”

“Okay. Night,” Natalie mumbled as she shuffled back to her room, closing the door behind her.

Josh appeared then. “Need help?”

I shook my head. “Thanks, though. I’ll get him into a bath and see what happens.” I smiled as Josh surveyed the mess with a wrinkled nose.

“I’ll go get some cleaner. Be right back,” he murmured through tight lips.

I drew Will a warm bath, washing him clean and letting him soak while I began cleaning up the bathroom and rinsed his pajamas in the sink. He’d begun to chatter away, apparently fully recovered.

“All right, Will?” Josh came in and perched on the edge of the tub, patting Will’s little shoulder.

“I feel better.” Will smiled sleepily.

“It seems Will had a Toblerone bar hidden in his suitcase. He overheard Helen and Natalie talking about Customs and having to declare things you were bringing into the country. He was worried, so he decided to eat the whole thing and not cause any problems at the airport.” I smiled, shaking my head.

“Ah.” Josh laughed softly. “That explains it.”

I shook out a towel and held it open. Josh scooped Will out of the tub and we dried him off and put him into some clean pajamas. Will curled into Josh’s shoulder as he was carried into the bedroom. I pulled the blankets straight and fluffed his pillow. Josh put him down and tucked the blankets around him. We stood, staring down at him in the dark.

“I should go to bed.” I looked at Josh from the corner of my eye.

He mumbled, “Yes, you should.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me, holding me against him with soft hands. I felt myself leaning into him. “The flight’s booked, Claire. I know you think you need to protect me and the children. But it’s your turn to let someone help protect you. It’s my job because I love you. I want to help you through this. And selfishly, I want to be with you.”

I shook my head. “I can’t help that I worry.”

“I know. It’s because you care.” He kissed me again, his eyes warm on mine as he said, “It will be all right, I promise.”

I sighed, letting myself relax against him. He led me quietly to the other bed in the room, tucking the blankets around me as if I were Will. “Sleep…and dream of me.”

And I did.


Saying goodbye was difficult. Helen and Natalie were heartsick, but Josh assured them that we’d all be back together again soon. I knew his reassurances weren’t in vain; once I had things taken care of, we would see them again—without the need of bodyguards or the fear of someone stalking us.

Surprisingly, the flight to New York was fun. I’d never flown First Class, but it was expected with Josh. We had the cabin to ourselves and a wonderful stewardess who happened to like children, which reduced stress all around.

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