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Moonlight in the Morning (Edilean 6)

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“I have no idea about that part. That’s why I called Bill Welsch. He doesn’t need anyone to oversee him. I meant that from what I’ve heard, I believe your Jecca will probably like being with you and Nell. I think she’ll enjoy being at Roan’s cabin. None of the other girls you’ve dated would like it up there. You know, Tristan,” she said, “this time I think you may have found an actual woman.”

He knew that was high praise from his sister, and it was Addy who got him to run to the airport.

Miss Livie called Tris early Saturday morning to tell him about some old dress she

was lending Jecca to wear to the party for Reede that evening. “It fits Jecca better than it ever did me,” Miss Livie said. “And I’ve never seen a young woman more beautiful than she is in it. She’ll look even better after Lucy and I do her hair and nails.”

Tristan was smiling. “Jecca is very pretty, I agree.”

“And your cousin Reede is a very handsome young man.”

“You think she’s going to ditch me for Reede?” His tone was amused. He and Jecca were past that possibility.

“A handsome face is very attractive to a young woman.”

“I think I can hold my own,” Tristan said, still smiling.

“If only she’d seen you,” Mrs. Wingate said emphatically. When Tristan was silent, she said she had to go and hung up.

Tristan went to the kitchen where Addy was putting out cereal for breakfast.

“What’s happened?” she asked when she saw his expression. “Please tell me no one in Edilean has died.”

“No,” he said as he sat down. “That was Miss Livie, and she was telling me about a dress of hers that Jecca is wearing to the party for Reede.”

“One of those heavenly creations she keeps in that old armoire in the back bedroom?”

idt widt220;That’s the second room I don’t know about,” Tris said in wonder.

“Is the first one Miss Livie’s workout room in the basement?”

“Why do you know about that and I don’t?”

“Because you’re male!” Addy said. She put her hands on the island and leaned toward him. “Tristan, if you let this woman you like so much and who Nell adores go alone—while wearing one of Miss Livie’s couture dresses—to a party given for a gorgeous hunk like Reede, you deserve to lose her!”

Tristan stopped with the box of cereal poised midair as images went through his mind. Reede on a cable going down into the sea to rescue a frightened child. Reede naked and wandering around in front of Jecca up at Florida Point. Jecca in some figure-hugging dress. “Why didn’t you say this yesterday when I still had time to drive back to Edilean?”

“Last I heard, airplanes had been invented. In fact, they fly out of Miami rather often.”

He made his decision in an instant. “I’ll leave the car at the airport and—”

“I’m going with you,” Nell said from behind them. She was holding up her passport, the ID she’d need for the plane.

Tris looked at Addy.

“Go! The both of you! We’ll be there tomorrow. If you don’t take the time to pack you’ll have to buy Nell some clothes and—” She broke off because the door had shut and they were gone.

If Nell hadn’t been in the car with him, Tristan would have driven a lot faster. As it was, he exceeded every speed limit on his way to the Miami airport, but only slightly. He left the keys with valet parking, grabbed Nell’s hand, and ran. He went to the plainest-faced clerk, smiled sweetly at her, and asked her to get them seats on any plane to Richmond. There was one boarding in twenty minutes.

Tris kissed the young woman’s hand in thanks, then he and Nell started running. They got to the plane just as the doors were about to close. When they reached Richmond, he rented a car and started the drive home. It wasn’t until they were on the highway that he realized they hadn’t eaten.

“I forgot to feed you,” Tris said in horror.

“That’s okay,” Nell said. “This is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.”

“Yeah?” he asked as he got off at the exit. They went to a drive-through window and got burgers and Cokes. “If your mother asks . . .”

“I know,” Nell said. “You fed me three leafy green vegetables.”

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