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Scarlet Nights (Edilean 3)

Page 63

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“They were bored, so while they waited, they came up with this plan that I should—”

“Who are ‘they’?”

“Can’t tell you that, but they were bad.”

Nodding, Luke began to listen as he slipped his hammer into the strap of his tool belt.

About 10 A.M., three young men showed up, and they were as big as professional wrestlers. “So who’s the beef?” Mike asked Luke.

“Frazier brothers. And our competition at the games at the fair.”

Mike was looking at the three of them and wondering, if it came to a fight, whether he could take them. He reminded himself that such a thing would never happen, but he couldn’t break a habit. For all the size and muscle of the three Fraziers, they didn’t move quickly—but then they didn’t have to. “I have a date with their sister tomorrow. I guess I better be good to her.”

“Ariel can take care of herself.” When Mike looked at him in question, Luke smiled. “Don’t worry. You saw that she’s not as big as her four brothers.”

“Right, I can’t forget young Shamus. How’s he doing?”

“He’s at home with my wife, bent over a drawing table, and making pictures of gypsies. He won’t show them to anyone, so Joce is planning a big reveal.”

“Good,” Mike said, smiling.

At ten-thirty, they took a break and Luke introduced Mike to his cousin Kimberly Aldredge, who was one of the women manning the drinks table. She was about Sara’s age and quite pretty, and she’d been repeatedly suggested to Mike as a good choice for dating.

“Kim designs jewelry and sells it in Sara’s shop, among other places. She made Tess’s engagement ring.” Luke’s tone told that he was proud of her. Moments later, he excused himself to see a man about some plants he wanted.

“You’re all the town talks about,” Kim said as she handed Mike a paper cup full of lemonade.

“That’s bad.” He drained the cup and held it out for more.

Kim leaned toward him and lowered her voice. “Can I be honest with you?”

“Please do.”

“We all love Sara, but she’s been cutting off her friends and family. She and Greg have time for their customers but not for us. Every family picnic, birthday party, whatever, she’s too busy, or she has to go somewhere with Greg. I don’t think Sara has any idea what he’s doing to her. The scuttlebutt around town is that you’re bringing her home to us.”

“I’m not making much progress with her,” he said modestly. “She believes in being faithful.”

Kim studied him for a moment. “You look like you have it bad for her.”

“No, I’m …” He didn’t know quite what to say.

She smiled. “That’s okay. I won’t tell. Sara deserves some good things to happen to her. The last few years have been difficult for her.”

At twelve-thirty, Sara showed up with her mo

ther and a van full of sandwiches and salads. In the back were homemade pies. Men started slapping Mike on the shoulder and saying “thanks, man,” and “we owe you one.”

“What’s this all about?” he asked Luke.

“Sara hasn’t baked in a long time. When she was growing up, there wasn’t a town function that didn’t include Sara’s … her fruit things. What she can do with a piece of fruit is legendary. But she hasn’t baked anything since—”

“Let me guess. Since Anders came to town.”

“Actually, she quit before then. I guess you’ve heard about her first boyfriend. The downturn in Sara’s life started when he dropped her in a way that still makes me angry. I wanted to go to England and shove a few teeth down his throat, but Rams talked me out of it.” Luke’s head came up, and he yelled to his cousin, “Ken, if you take all of that peach pie, I’ll show you what a nail gun is really used for. Sorry, I have to go,” he said to Mike, then left.

Mike saw Sara standing by the van, holding aloft a paper bag and a red pie plate. He couldn’t help smiling as it looked like she’d saved a lunch just for him.

That night they again had dinner with Joce and Luke, and they talked of the fair. When they got back to her apartment, Sara was yawning. “Sorry,” she said, “but I’ve been on my feet all day and I’m worn out.”

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