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Scarlet Nights (Edilean 3)

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“Nothing. It’s all very logical.” She opened the box—and gasped. It wasn’t just a ring from a jewelry store. It was one of Kim’s designs, a one-of-a-kind ring, the only one like it in the world.

“You don’t like it?”

“It’s … When …?”

“On Sunday, when I was at your parents’ house planning the wedding, I asked your mother about Kim and her jewelry. Kim had said some nice things about you, so I thought you two were friends.”

“We are,” Sara said softly as she held the ring up to the fading daylight. Mike flipped a switch so a map light came on. The ring was exquisite, with a large white diamond in the center and flanked by two smaller pear-shaped diamonds. The unique setting made the small ones swirl around the larger stone.

“Your mother showed me Kim’s Web site and I chose it off there, but it had to be sized. It came to the office this morning. If you don’t like it I can return it.”

“No!” Sara nearly shouted. “I mean, yes, I like it very, very much. Kim’s creations are wonderful, beautiful. They …” She was holding it in her hand tightly.

Sara started to put the ring on, but then she handed it to Mike.

Smiling, the steering wheel in one hand, he slipped the ring on Sara’s finger.

When he saw how she couldn’t take her eyes off of it, he was pleased. He looked back out the windshield at the road. “Do you think I should change my name to Frazier?”

“I think that you can no longer be a snob about Edilean. Ariel says the Fraziers are descended from English royalty.”

“You know, I’ve always thought maybe I was.” When she made no comment, he looked at her. She was still gazing at the ring. “Think you should curtsey to me from now on?”

“No, but I was thinking of kissing some of your royal body parts.”

Mike smiled. “I like the way your mind works.”


I DON’T WANT TO go,” Mike said, sounding like a sullen child. “You take the dogs and give them to him. I’ll meet you at Nate’s Field. By the way, did Joce find out why it’s called that? You have any ancestors named Nathaniel?”

Sara had her hands on her hips and was glaring at him. Last night they’d arrived in Edilean hours later than Mike said they would because she wouldn’t let him go as fast as he wanted to. Without consulting each other, they’d gone to Sara’s apartment, not Tess’s. But when Mike tried to open the door, it wouldn’t budge.

“Who the hell locked this door?” he muttered.

/> Sara showed him how to pull it forward and lift up to make it open.

“Needs a hand plane taken to it,” he said as he carried their bags in.

They were both so tired that they just pulled off their clothes and fell into bed. At 5 A.M. they awoke to find themselves naked, and seconds later they were making love.

At six Mike left for the gym, but he let Sara sleep. When he returned at eight, Sara had made pancakes and cut up fruit. The sound of dogs barking had awakened her and she’d looked out the window to see a couple of very cute young dogs tied to a tree. She knew they were the ones to be given to Mr. Lang.

She’d tried to go back to sleep, but the knowledge that she was going to have to see Mr. Lang—face-to-face, no hiding—almost made her ill.

The only way she could overcome her dread was to remember that Mike would be there with her. Mike was afraid of nothing. He was a man who walked into hailstorms of bullets with no fear, and he would be there to protect her.

But at the mention of going to Merlin’s Farm to give the dogs to Mr. Lang, Mike said no.

“What does that mean?” Sara asked.

“No, I can’t go. I’m busy. I have things for the case that must be done. You can go by yourself.”

“Yes, you do have things to do for the case. You have to protect me. Remember? A few days ago my safety was so important that you made the ultimate sacrifice and married me.”

“Oh, well, that’s not been so bad,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“Not so bad?” she said quietly. “I’ve been waiting on you hand and foot since I said ‘I do.’ How do you think your laundry is getting done? Who cleans the blade on that machine you use to keep your hair short? Who unpacked your suitcase?”

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