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Carolina Isle (Edenton 2)

Page 54

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Sara didn’t like what the twins were saying. R.J. and Gideon were still talking and there was a light across Gideon’s handsome face that made him look older and sinister. She knelt down to eye level with the children. “Does Gideon ever hurt you?”

“No, silly,” Beatrice said. “He’s nice. He gives us candy when we’re good.”

Sara looked at Bertie. “Does anybody hurt you?”

His little face scrunched up into a fierce look. “If Effie tries to hit me I hit her back.”

Sara laughed, then caught herself. “It’s not nice to hit anyone, but—”

“Come on, Johnson,” R.J. called. “You can adopt the kids later. We’re burnin’ daylight.”

“Daniel Boone calls,” she muttered, standing up.

“Will you adopt us?” Bertie asked, his eyes wide. “Gideon said that somebody would.”

“I … I have to go,” Sara said, glaring at R.J. when he smiled at her predicament.

When Gideon stepped forward, the children attached themselves to his legs. “Maybe she’ll marry me and we’ll all be a family,” he said, smiling at Sara in a way that made her blush.

“Let’s go!” R.J. said loudly.

“See ya!” Sara called as she followed R.J. past the cabin and into the woods. “See you when we get back.”

“Which will be next week at this rate,” R.J. mumbled.

“Jealous?” Sara asked.

“Of you and that boy?”

“Of me and that boy and David. Don’t forget David.”

“Wonder what he’s doing while Little Miss Makeover is doing all the work?”

“Smiling at the women,” Sara said. “Or taking his shirt off and letting them look at him. There are lots of things that David can do.”

“Stop lusting after those kids and watch where you’re going,” R.J. said gruffly.

Sara laughed.

“Where you goin’, Gideon?” Beatrice asked.

“After those two idiots,” he said, lacing on a pair of heavy hiking boots. “They’re our best chance of getting off this island so I’m not going to let them get killed.”

“Da won’t let us leave King’s Isle,” Bertie said.

“I’ve told you a thousand times that he’s not your father, so stop calling him that.”

At Gideon’s tone, Beatrice began to cry.

“Hush, honey, I’m not mad.”

“You were gonna take me fishin’,” Bertie said. “In the boat.”

“I can’t today. Go down to the house and tell Effie she has to feed you.”

“Won’t,” Beatrice said and the twins backed up against each other.

Gideon sighed. “Okay, then stay here in the cabin. Don’t go more than a yard from it, you hear me? There are cold biscuits and bacon in the cabinet and apple juice in there too. Just stay here and play with your toys and don’t get into trouble. You hear me?”

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