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Cup of Joe (Bold Brew 1)

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Somehow I’m not surprised that you were the naughty one. I fixed the smoke detector. I trust my work.

How simple pride in his electrical work could seem so damn sexy, I wasn’t sure, but it was. Hell, just getting a reply from him had my skin heating.

Maybe you should fix me then. Next time. I added a funny GIF of a large toolbox.

This time his reply was way faster. Hardly subtle, brat. You have a preference as to which tool I bring?

Oh, this was nice. Smiling, I flopped back against the pillows. I hadn’t really expected him to flirt back, had half-expected a major brushoff as he got back to being Mr. Responsible.

Yours. Soon. Surprise me. Hand, mouth, dick. I wasn’t particularly picky as long as I got to come again. Even now, my blood was rushing back to my cock, which was just as eager as when Joe had left.

But his reply cooled me down. Not tonight. And that’s not me giving you a line. I’ve got an early-morning inspection at a charity house-building project we’re involved with. If I head out to your place, no one’s going to sleep tonight. And you need sleep, too, especially after not getting much last night.

Aw. Joe caring about my sleep was sweet. And I also really liked how he seemed much less resistant now to the idea of us fucking. Up all night with him sounded amazing. But I could be good.

Okay. Come in for a coffee after your work thing? If I couldn’t get screwed senseless by Joe, I could at least use the hope of flirting with him to make my Saturday shift go better.

Not sure when it ends, but we’ll see. Night, brat. Hope you sleep well.

I wondered where he was situated at his place. Did he have an apartment? House? Something all adult and mature, I’d bet. Was he in his bed like me? Tired after his long day? Still horny after our make-out session and waiting to take care of business? Merely thinking about Joe jerking off had me completely hard again. I wasn’t sure about Joe, but I was definitely going for seconds. Soon.

Night. I’m gonna sleep like a log. Didn’t even last two minutes after you left. Haven’t been that turned on in…maybe ever?

Since he’d already said goodnight, I didn’t expect a reply, but one came quickly, nonetheless. You’re what? Twenty-two? I’d bet another pizza with the works that you go again before you sleep.

I smiled at that because maybe he was picturing me like I was imagining him. Maybe he’d think about me while I thought about him. Not exactly sexting, but maybe this was sexier, leaving it more to my imagination.

You’d bet right. Now you owe me a pizza. I started a slow stroke of my cock, as excited at the prospect of Joe having an excuse to come over as the idea of getting off again.

I do. Night, brat. No other messages came in, but that was okay. I was too busy having another body-quaking orgasm to thoughts of Joe being all stern and scary. But not too scary. He felt safe. Like it was okay to be flirty and push him and be rebellious because he’d keep me in check. I fell asleep hoping I’d get another chance to experience all those sensations again. With him. Naked.

And I was still entertaining naked time fantasies about him when he came into the coffeehouse a little after the lunch rush. Saturdays were always super busy with club meetings in the private room, clumps of friends getting together for brunch, and the usual post-exercise or shopping crowd. It was also a day when the place’s function as a hub for the LGBTQ+ community was more visible—two mom couples with double strollers, young men holding hands in line, two nonbinary-appearing college students in shirts advertising Pittsburgh Pride taking up the couch. I’d never had a space like this before, and I loved it. The people-watching was almost better than the tips, and Joe’s arrival only made a good day that much better.

I was distributing drinks for a prior order when he came in, so Lupé ended up serving Joe. They made his drink as perfectly as Blake always did, which gave me as much of a jealous pang as them getting to spend time with Joe, but they also used a tall in-house glass and put an order up for Jess for one of her blue-plate sandwich lunch specials. Good. Joe eating there meant more of a chance to talk.

“I’ll do double the cleaning later if I can take my break before you,” I bartered to Lupé after they handed Joe his drink. He’d smiled at me, but he hadn’t tried to speak. Was he having second thoughts? Again?

Lupé looked me over, then their shrewd gaze moved to the table by the window that Joe had claimed. “I’m assuming you’ve got a good reason.”

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