Cup of Joe (Bold Brew 1) - Page 36

I’d never fully stripped the night before, sleeping in the T-shirt I’d had on under my other shirt and my boxer briefs, but I took a fast shower and dressed in Saturday work clothes before I headed to the kitchen. Humming softly, I set about making my favorite meal. I always liked weekend breakfasts, but there was something special about having someone to cook for.

“You made me pancakes?” Levi appeared in the kitchen doorway right as I was finishing up, ruining my plans to bring him breakfast in bed. But he looked so adorable wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket as a makeshift robe that I didn’t mind.

“I did.” I patted his face, liking the scratchy jaw he’d undoubtedly shave later. “Is that okay?”

“You’re asking for permission to feed me?” Laughing, Levi headed to the table in the nook.

“Well, not everyone likes breakfast…” I hedged. Didn’t want to admit I’d been hoping he wouldn’t make a fast exit.

“I do. Any meal I don’t have to cook is a good one, but my mom and grandma always made big breakfasts on the weekends.” His face took on a wistful expression I knew all too well. “Later, I missed those meals a lot with all the weekend track meets.”

“So did my mom.” I set the food on the table between us. “Weekdays I’m all about something fast and microwaveable, but I do like cooking on weekends, even just for myself.”

“And me.” Levi gave a happy wiggle as he helped himself to some bacon and pancakes. “And it’s nice of you. Sweet. But, I believe it’s supposed to be my job to make you breakfast, or at least coffee.”

“It’s your day off,” I reminded him as I grabbed my coffee mug from the counter and a little pot of hot water I’d made for him. It was one of those pot-and-cup combos that Mom had left here, and it was nice to get a chance to use it again. I set it in front of Levi, along with a box of various random teas. “And here’s my selection of tea, since you don’t do coffee.”

“Ooh, a choice!” Grinning, he thumbed through the selections before settling on something purple that one of the sisters-in-law had brought last time I’d had the family to dinner.

I took the chair opposite him and filled my own plate. “You’re easy to please.”

“Yeah, I am.” He gave me a meaningful look as the blanket dipped, exposing one bare shoulder. “You ruined my plans.”

“I did?”

“I was going to wake you up by blowing you again.” He waggled his eyebrows at me as I made a strangled noise. “And look at you. All shy about sex when you were the one right out of the Filthy Daddy Handbook last night.”

“That’s a thing?” The back of my neck heated.

“If there isn’t, you could write it.” He took an emphatic bite of bacon, and I had to laugh.

Still smiling, I cut my pancakes into pieces and tried to sound all casual as I added, “For the record, I’d be cool with that as a wakeup. Sometime.”

I couldn’t help but hope there would be other Saturdays, other chances to wake up with Levi. I wasn’t ready to be done with him yet, that much was certain, and each time we had sex, another dozen fantasies sprang up.

“We’ll have to try that sometime.” Levi grinned broadly at me before giving up on tugging the blanket into place and letting it pool in his lap.

Damn. He was so beautiful there in the morning sun, light-brown hair glinting, pale skin, smattering of freckles, dusting of chest hair, pale-pink nipples, and lean muscles. And that smile. Always that smile.

“Is that you inviting me to sleep over again, Joe?”

Even in the face of his dazzling grin, I still measured my words carefully. “If you’d like. Last night was…”

“Amazing. And not just the sex.” Levi’s expression was even warmer than the melted butter, and I exhaled softly, glad we were in agreement there, glad I hadn’t pushed him too far. “So, yeah, I’ll be back. Until you get sick of me, that is.”

It wasn’t me who was going to get tired and move on, but I still nodded. “Might be waiting a while for that.”

“Good.” He took another bite of the food. “And wow, these pancakes are amazing. Another recipe of your mom’s?”

He could talk easily about her, unlike others in my life, and he didn’t speak in hushed tones or assume I’d rather not mention her. Much as hanging out with my dad was fun, it was nice to spend time with someone where I could share my memories more easily.

“Yep. Her secret was sour cream. These days, I add yogurt to be a little healthier, but I use her other trick of adding some whole-wheat flour for a heartier taste.”

Tags: Annabeth Albert Bold Brew Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024