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Cup of Joe (Bold Brew 1)

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“Nice. Next time wake me up so you can show me how to make perfect circles like this. My last try at pancakes they were all squiggly.”

“Will do.” My chest expanded, warmth seeping into muscles which had been tight a very long time. “You still up for helping at the housing site today?”

“Yup.” He stabbed another bite, eating with the sort of gusto that made my chef’s heart happy. “Bring on the painting.”

“I don’t think I have anything near your size here, but we can stop by your place if you want to change.”

“I do. Can’t see going commando all day.”

“Hey, I like that image. But I’d like it more if you put on another of your sexy secrets for later.”

His cheeks immediately went rosy. “You’re assuming I have a bottomless collection.”

“Am I allowed to add to said collection?” I wasn’t entirely sure where to go shopping for such things, but for him, I’d figure it out. There was an upscale adult store in town. They might be a place to start.

“Are you auditioning for the sugar daddy role now too?” Levi laughed, but his tone was more speculative.

“Nah. Just a friend who likes how your ass looks in something sheer and high cut.” Taking care of Levi, cooking for him especially, was intensely rewarding. And God knew I loved the sex, and the Daddy thing turned my crank in ways I’d never expected, but I didn’t delude myself about my ability to keep a guy like Levi long-term.

“I like those kinds of friends.” He smiled smugly. “And I’ll see what I can find at my place. Is there time for me to take a fast shower? I’m pretty sure I still smell like sex.”

“I like you smelling like that. But yes. This is a volunteer gig and the hours are pretty flexible. The site is going to be housing for low-income, veteran seniors, so plenty of retirees like Dad have been helping out. Some of them tire easily, so people will come and go all morning. Let’s finish here, and then we can get you that shower.”

“Sounds good.” His gaze was warmer than the still-steaming coffee. “Too bad you already showered. We could have showered together.”

“Hah. There’s time for you to shower. Not sex.” As comfortable as I was with a half-naked Levi in my space, I still wasn’t the most comfortable stripping down in front of him. His body was perfection, and much as I tried not to care about my own looks, I was still more self-conscious than I liked.

“Mean Daddy. Maybe later.” He winked at me before finishing his food.

After we cleaned up from breakfast, he put on his clothes from the night before for the ride to his place. Once there, he headed right for the shower. I puttered around, watering his plants and straightening the couch cushions before playing around on my phone, looking at underwear choices that might surprise Levi later in the week. I’d have to see if I could work in a visit to that store this week.

I quickly closed the browser when Levi emerged with wet hair and a fresh shave, wearing old jeans and a T-shirt suitable for painting duty.

We made it to the site right as a group of volunteers were setting up the coffee and donuts station, and my dad was holding court with a number of his fellow retired construction buddies.

“It’s my son.” Smiling widely, he nodded at me. “And this is his friend who has set-painting experience. Levi, how do you feel about trim?”

Levi stood a little taller, like this was an important question. “That it should be painted, sir?”

“Excellent. And so polite. You’re going to fit right in.” Dad’s proclamation would undoubtedly make it so. If any of his friends ever had opinions about me coming out, Dad and Mom had made sure I never heard them. And it was nice to see Dad in charge and happy on such a perfect summer Saturday.

I left Levi with the painting crew so I could go check on some outlets and grab a coffee. Coming back, I lingered outside one of the bedrooms, watching him work with Inez, an older woman I knew from other projects. She’d arrived with more of the senior center crowd.

“Here.” Levi pulled over a stepstool. “I’ll do the high places. I like ladders.”

“You do?” Inez sounded like she knew Levi was trying to keep her on the ground.

“Yup. I was that kid they couldn’t keep out of the apartment complex’s trees.”

Like with my dad the night before, and with Bold Brew customers, he was friendly and helpful, the sort of charming that I loved to watch. Because I knew how shy and unsure he could get sometimes, watching him be social and make a big effort to make others feel comfortable made me proud. Not that he was mine or even close to it, but I couldn’t help the cozy feeling he inspired, or the twinge in my chest.

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