It was still an hour before closing time when two uniformed police officers entered the diner and asked to speak to Sam.
Aware that every eye in the place was focused on him, Sam thanked Justine for summoning him, then curiously approached the officers, who waited just inside the doorway. Had Serena already talked to Dan? Surely she wouldn’t have done so without waiting for him. “Is there something I can do for you, officers?”
“You’re Sam Wallace?” the taller of the two men inquired.
He wasn’t quite sure how to respond, so he merely nodded.
“We’d like to request that you accompany us to the police station. Chief Meadows would like to speak to you.”
Frowning, Sam looked from one impassive face to the other. “Mind if I ask what this is about?”
The officers exchanged a glance, and then the same one replied, “The chief wants to ask you some questions concerning a crime that was committed last night.”
“The arson or the break-in?” Sam asked in resignation. Apparently, the anonymous accuser had been busy again. This was just what he needed today.
“Please come with us, Mr. Wallace.”
“Am I under arrest?”
“No, sir. The chief would simply like to ask you some questions at this point. He sent us to escort you because he’s aware that you lack transportation.”
“Is there a problem here, Sam?” Marjorie looked concerned as she joined them, her gaze darting from Sam to the police officers.
“Looks like I’m going to have to take the rest of the day off, Marjorie,” he told her. “It’s nothing to worry about. Dan just wants to ask me some questions.”
“Has he found a lead on the men who beat you up?”
Sam shot a warning look at the cops. “I’m not sure. I suppose he’ll tell me what it’s about when I get there. He sent these two gentlemen to give me a lift.”
The answer seemed to satisfy her for the moment. “Call me if you need a ride home or anything,” she said. “I hope Dan has some good news for you.”
“Er, thanks.” Sam turned toward the exit. “Shall we go, officers?”
One of them opened the door and led the way out. The other followed closely at Sam’s heels. Sam didn’t remember if he’d ever been arrested, but he had a feeling it would feel very much like this.
The police station was in the newer part of town, several miles from the diner. The ride was made in near silence, the officers making little attempt at conversation and Sam having nothing in particular to say. Upon arrival, he was taken directly to Dan’s office, where Dan waited behind an oak desk. “Not a bad police station for such a small town,” Sam commented as he entered.
Dan’s smile didn’t reach his eyes as he waved Sam into one of the two chairs on the other side of his desk. “It’s only two years old. The old police station was crumbling around our ears.”
Sam glanced at the two officers who’d followed him in. “Thanks for sending the car, by the way. Very thoughtful of you.”
Dan glanced at his subordinates, apparently sending them silent orders. They left without comment, leaving the door open behind them.
“Very well trained for small-town cops,” Sam drawled approvingly.
The hint of sarcasm did not pass over Dan’s head. He gave Sam a look, but said only, “One of them is my cousin. The other is the mayor’s nephew. You can save the nepotism jokes until later.”
Deciding they’d danced around long enough, Sam leaned forward in his seat and looked directly into the chief’s eyes. “What’s this about, Dan?”
Dan leaned back in his chair, rubbing his neck. “I suppose you heard we had another eventful night.”
“A probable arson and a pawnshop robbery. I heard. Let me guess—you’ve had another anonymous phone call about me.”
“Not this time.” Dan opened a bottom drawer on his desk. “This time I’m afraid we have some evidence.”
“What are you talking about?”
Tossing a plastic bag on the desktop, Dan asked somberly, “Does that look familiar to you?”