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The Texan's Surprise Baby (Bell Family 2)

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Every time he saw her even now he responded dramatically. Was that love? Lust? Admiration? Shouldn’t he know?

Sparks flew between them whenever they touched, but it was obvious that she was still wary of getting too closely involved with him. She’d told her sister that she didn’t need or want a man in her life. Would she be fighting the attraction between them so fiercely if she were “the one”?

He knew now that his life and Hannah’s would be intertwined for the next eighteen years, minimum. He had every intention of being involved in his child’s life. As for the personal relationship between himself and Hannah—well, that remained to be seen. Unlike his brother, he had no confidence in his ability to predict his romantic future.

They said little as Aaron drove past the cabins, slowing a bit when he passed Cabin 7 where Shelby had been held at knifepoint, then speeding up to drive perfunctorily past the now-empty day-use area, the closed main building, the empty pool and quiet motel. A couple of teenagers were making out in the otherwise deserted playground, thrown into silhouette by security lights above them. Aaron drove on, leaving them to their youthful kisses.

Aaron parked the cart in the drive to the manufactured home he now shared with Shelby, next door to Steven’s. Andrew glanced across the road, noting that lights still burned in both Maggie’s and Hannah’s trailers. Aaron followed his glance. “Anything you want to talk about, Andrew?”

Dragging his attention away from Hannah’s bedroom window, Andrew asked, “Like what?”

“Like why you dropped everything and showed up here. You’ve been pretty evasive about that. At first I was sure you were here to talk me into going back home or to try to convince me to give myself more time to decide how I really feel about Shelby. Heck, I didn’t even blame you. I can see how you and the rest of the family would be concerned about how fast this all happened. But that’s not the only reason you came, is it? Something else seems to be bothering you.”

Resisting an impulse to glance back at Hannah’s place, Andrew shook his head. “I’m not ready to talk about it just yet.”

Although he really wished he could. He wanted to talk with his brother about the shock he was still dealing with, the anxiety and uncertainty—even the eagerness—with which he contemplated his child’s arrival. They would discuss all of those things after he and Hannah had broken the news. He could wait—but it wasn’t easy.

Fortunately, Aaron chose not to press him just then. Which didn’t mean he wouldn’t eventually. Maybe Aaron was still too caught up in his own major life changes to pay much attention to Andrew’s distraction, but more likely he was just biding his time until Andrew was ready to spill everything. Andrew was quite sure Aaron would become more insistent about answers as his twin’s departure grew closer.

Andrew saw the curtains twitch at Hannah’s bedroom window as he walked toward Steven’s place after bidding good-night to his brother. Maybe she’d heard voices and had looked out to investigate. Was she watching him as he crossed the dimly lit yard? He had a brief urge to change direction and knock on her door, but he resisted. He would see her tomorrow when he accompanied her to the obstetrician. He anticipated that visit with a mixture of nerves and eagerness. He wondered how Hannah was feeling just then.

He looked over his shoulder just in time to see the curtain fall back into place. Pausing with key in hand at the door of Steven’s trailer, he smiled, though he doubted she was still watching. “We’ll talk tomorrow, Hannah,” he said aloud, and even though she couldn’t hear him, the words were a promise.

Chapter Four

Friday dawned cloudy with a chance of rain later that afternoon. The gray-mottled skies didn’t notably discourage the summer-morning lake enthusiasts; if anything, the slightly cooler temperatures had brought out even more early boaters, fishermen and swimmers. Fridays were always busy in summer, kicking off three-day breaks for many guests, but this weekend would be especially hectic with the additional business from the unlucky neighboring resort. Hannah and her family had been forced to scramble to work in the extras along with the standing reservations for the next few days.

Hannah enjoyed a slight breeze on her face as she walked to the main building at a quarter till nine, after breakfast at her place. Golf carts and utility ATVs were readily available to the family for getting around the resort quickly, and bicycles were parked beside all the family homes, but Hannah preferred to walk most of the time. She figured that would be more difficult as already-hot June became blazing July and she became more heavily pregnant. She decided she’d better enjoy a cool morning while she could.

She exchanged smiles, nods and greetings with guests and employees she passed en route. As she drew closer to the main building, a shriek from the swimming pool on her right drew her attention and she smiled when she saw that it was already filled with kids being supervised by coffee-sipping parents. It was a good way to burn off the children’s morning energy, and too early to have to worry about sunburn.

“Good morning.”

Hannah glanced at the woman who’d murmured the greeting from just behind her and smiled in recognition. She searched her memory for a name, hoping she had it right when she said, “Good morning, Ms. Gibson. Are you enjoying your stay with us?”

The other woman reached up to push a limp strand of faded red hair from her red-splotched face. The hollows beneath her eyes hinted at sleepless nights and she didn’t even try to return Hannah’s smile, though she spoke politely enough. “You can call me Patricia. And yeah, it’s nice here. I was just going to pick up a pack of doughnuts or something from the store for breakfast.”

“We serve an excellent breakfast in the grill,” Hannah suggested, thinking that this seemed to be a very unhappy woman. “Three dollars will get you a cup of coffee or juice and an egg-ham-and-cheese sandwich on an English muffin. Or there are always fresh-made muffins. My aunt usually bakes blackberry muffins on Fridays. They’re excellent.”

Patricia looked less than enthusiastic about the recommendations. “I’ll probably just eat in my room. Maybe on the balcony. Got a book I’ve been reading. It’s not all that good, but I might as well finish it now that I’ve started it.”

Goodness, this woman was a downer, Hannah couldn’t help thinking. Either she was just naturally the morose type, or the personal trials she’d mentioned when checking in had left her depressed and weary. Because there was no way to find that out without prying, Hannah settled for making her smile extra warm as she held the door open for the guest. “Let us know if you need anything at all.”

Patricia nodded. “I will. Thanks.”

People milled inside the entryway, entering and exiting the store and grill or standing around the reception desk. Mimi had opened the desk at seven, a long-standing tradition she maintained by choice. Hannah always relieved her at nine—as Lori had while Hannah was away for the past couple of weeks. At a spry, still-sharp seventy-nine, Mimi was far from ready for full retirement, though her eighty-year-old husband had relegated most of his former duties to his sons. Pop preferred to take it easy now, hanging out around the marina, pitching in when needed, but mostly just shooting the breeze with guests, many of whom he’d known for years.

Carrying a clipboard and a travel cup

of coffee, Maggie came down the stairs from the private offices above. Seeing Hannah, she smiled. “Good morning. Sleep well?”

“I did, thank you,” Hannah lied blithely. “Maggie, this is Patricia Gibson, a guest in our motel. Patricia, my sister Maggie Bell. She’s in charge of maid service, so be sure and let her know if you have any problems or requests.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Gibson,” Maggie said with her usual warm smile. “I hope everything is satisfactory in your room?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s a real nice place,” Patricia replied, her tone devoid of emotion. “No complaints.”

Maggie nodded. “Let us know if that changes.”

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