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The Right Twin (Bell Family 1)

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Frowning, Shelby prodded. “About what?”

Lori shook her head abruptly. “Never mind. I’m going in to see Steven for a few minutes, then I’m heading out myself. I have plans with friends.”

“I see.”

Lori moved past her, reaching for the door. “Have a good time with Aaron. I’ll catch you later.” She had the door to the house closed between them almost before Shelby could reply.

Shaking her head in bewilderment, Shelby headed for her car. She had a bet to pay off.

Chapter Eight

If Aaron was surprised when Shelby turned her car into the lot of an exclusive country club after driving almost forty minutes from the resort, he kept the reaction to himself. It had been a pleasant drive, with music and lively conversation. Aaron was so easy to talk to, she mused as she drove around the crowded parking lot, searching for an empty slot. From pop culture to politics, they’d swapped opinions and observations, usually agreeing, occasionally differing, but always respectfully. The time had passed so quickly it was almost a surprise to her when she’d reached the club where she’d decided to bring him.

“There’s a spot,” Aaron said, pointing ahead and to the left.

She turned quickly into the narrow opening. “Whew. I was beginning to think we were going to have to park on the street.”

“Looks like there’s quite a crowd here this evening. Some kind of event, I take it?”

She nodded. “It’s a big charity bash that’s been planned for months. The resort bought tickets weeks ago as a donation to the cause, but no one else was interested in attending. I wasn’t sure I’d come, until this date bet came up. I figured coming here was a way to pay my debt to you and contribute to the local women and children’s shelter at the same time.”

Aaron flashed her a smile. “I like that,” he said. “So am I dressed okay? It’s not a coat and tie event, is it?”

She nodded toward two couples climbing out of a large SUV nearby, both of the women in casual dresses, the men dressed very much like Aaron in dress shirts and chinos, no tie in sight. “Casual dress was encouraged, just no jeans or collarless shirts. That’s a club restriction, I think, though I’m not a member.”

He reached for his door handle. “Well, then, let’s go be charitable.”

Sliding out from beneath the wheel, Shelby was pleased that Aaron seemed to approve her choice. She’d spent several hours debating over what they should do this evening—miniature golf? A picnic? Horseback riding? A concert?—but her thoughts had kept coming back to this event organized by a local women’s organization in which several of her college sorority friends were active. She’d considered joining, herself, but her work at the resort kept her so busy during the summers, in addition to her few outside civic activities, that she wasn’t sure she had enough spare time to contribute. Maybe tonight would change her mind.

She and Aaron met up at the back of her car and he held out his arm, smiling down at her. “Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?”

“You have,” she replied with an answering smile. “Thank you again.”

“My pleasure.”

He looked quite delectable himself, in his pale blue shirt and gray slacks. He’d combed his dark hair neatly, but a rebellious lock still tumbled onto his forehead, almost begging her to reach up and smooth it back. She resisted only because it looked so appealing exactly the way it fell.

“Am I going to run into more strangers who tell me how happy they are to see me again?” he asked as they approached the entrance doors just behind the two couples from the SUV.

She tried to remember if any of the friends she would encounter inside had met Andrew. “I don’t think so.”

He nodded and held the door for her. “That’s a relief.”

She handed their tickets to the host inside the impressive lobby of the venerable establishment. Despite the rather stuffy decor, the noise level was high and a little rowdy, with laughter, conversation and music spilling out of several of the rooms around them. The whole place had been reserved for the event, and according to the program they were given, there were plenty of activities to entertain them: a casino room where they could win tickets for prizes. A karaoke bar. Dancing to a live band in the main ballroom. And plenty of food, from buffalo wings to a sushi bar.

“Doesn’t look like we’re going to be bored,” she commented, perusing the options with a lifted eyebrow.

Aaron put a hand at the back of her waist. “I’ve yet to be bored with you,” he murmured.

Her flattered response to the rather casual compliment seemed out of proportion. Was she really still stinging over Pete’s loss of interest in her, even as she herself had given up on them as a couple? Pathetic, Shelby.

Aaron was either the most accomplished actor she’d ever met or perhaps the most well-trained gentleman, or maybe both. Or maybe he really did have a good time with her that evening. His smiles and laughs certainly seemed genuine. They ate, played at the casino games and competed fiercely to see who could win the most tickets. They even sang karaoke—and while Shelby considered herself a decent vocalist, she was not particularly surprised to discover that Aaron was even better. He had a very nice, deep voice with a sexy Texas drawl that was well suited to the heartbroken-cowboy song he selected.

She couldn’t help being proud to be seen with him, to introduce him to her old friends who didn’t often see her out with such dashing companions. They had grown accustomed to her comfortably sedate relationship with Pete, and she’d been grumpily aware of the pitying looks she’d received from a few of them since the breakup, but they were obviously intrigued to see her with Aaron. Her feminine pride couldn’t help but be bolstered.

“You have a beautiful voice,” she said to him when they two-stepped to the music of a country-western band in the ballroom later. “Have you ever performed professionally?”

He shook his head. “Lots of family sing-alongs around campfires at my uncle’s ranch. Took choir in high school for an easy A.”

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