Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 6

No way would Colt Michaels come out any time soon. Besides, if Colt did come out, he’d be the most sought after gay man on campus. He was too good-looking and drop dead sexy.

If Jace had said no to Hawaii, he might not ever get another chance to spend time with him, and he would most definitely regret that decision for the rest of his life. Fuck the rules of dating. He had to at least give them a chance, didn’t he?


Colt circled the McDonald’s parking lot searching for Jace through the front window of the fast food restaurant. Jace started almost every morning here, having a fruit and yogurt parfait and orange juice before his first class. This being one of the many things Colt had learned by watching Jace from afar over the years. Colt now started his day following this same routine because something about seeing Jace first thing in the morning tended to make his day a little better.

As he circled back around the side of the building, he got a glimpse of Jace’s blond hair through the large plate glass window. He quickly scanned the rest of the restaurant. The place was emptier than normal, which was a good thing. Colt circled again and came up the side of the building where he spotted some of the players at the front ordering. Damn it! He’d have to wait before going inside, and he prayed Jace didn’t finish before the others left.

Colt parked in a back spot, strategically watching the front door. After a few minutes both players left. That meant Jace was alone inside. Colt tugged his ball cap low on his head, got out of his car, and jogged across the parking lot to the front doors.

The element of surprise was on his side. Jace sat in the corner of the booth, reading the newspaper, oblivious to his entrance. He was able to make his way to Jace’s table unseen. Colt slid in the booth, punching the newspaper with his hand, and got an angry look from Jace before he realized who sat across from him. Colt’s heart gave a little jolt of excitement when Jace’s face lit up with recognition.

“Hey you,” Colt said.

“What are you doing here?” Jace asked, and then got instantly red-faced, averting his eyes, looking back down at the table. “Duh, you’re getting breakfast.”

“Nah, I just know this is where you usually come in the mornings, and I got your ticket. You might need this,” Colt said, sliding an envelope across the table. “I tried to get us on the same flight, but everything’s all booked up. I’ll be arriving a few hours before you. I also got a rental car in your name. All the information’s in the packet because we won’t be leaving together. Now I just wish I’d let them book me two tickets when they first offered up the beach house,” Colt said, keeping his casual attitude, but staring directly into Jace’s eyes.

Jace picked up the envelope, opened it, doing a quick thumb through of the contents inside. The cost of the ticket was evidently still in the flight itinerary. “Colt, this was so much money, are you sure your agent’s good with this?”

“I’m positive. I probably won’t get to see you before we leave. I’m sorry about that, but we’ll be alone on the island,” Colt said, as a couple of students walked into the restaurant. They noticed Colt immediately, giving a nod before looking over at Jace. Colt caught the subtle look, but it was still a questioning glare nonetheless. “I gotta go. I just wanted to give you this and tell you thank you again for last night.”

“Wait, how did you know I would be here?”

“I told you, I’m a creeper where you’re concerned. I know all about you,” Colt said with a laugh, but meant every word. He quickly slid out of the booth and walked away, not giving Jace a chance to respond.

Chapter 3

Shit! Colt ran across the Hawaiian bungalow to the kitchen stove, sliding to a stop as he grabbed the boiling pot and pushed it off the burner. In his need to get everything just right for Jace’s arrival, he’d almost overcooked their dinner. Not good!

Colt glanced at the large clock that hung over the brightly painted turquoise and yellow sideboard. Shit! Jace’s plane just landed. He figured he had about twenty minutes before Jace got through baggage claim and left the airport. The drive to the beach house would take another thirty minutes. That gave Colt a little under an hour to shower, dress, and get the fire started. He also needed to put the fish he’d purchased from the restaurant over the fire to warm, and he still needed to set the table properly. In all the time Colt had to plan for Jace’s arrival, he never thought he’d be this far behind. Shit! Shit! Shit!

Dumping the seafood in the colander at the sink, he flung the pot on the stove and ran to the bathroom. His hair would take the most time, but he desperately wanted to look his best for Jace. Because Jace always looked so fucking hot. A grin he couldn’t contain spread across his face as he tore his T-shirt over his head and tossed it in the general direction of his suitcase. Excitement filled his soul. Colt was happy. Seriously, emotionally happy for the first time in a long time, maybe even ever, and didn’t that just feel fan-fucking-tastic!


“Is he seriously not here?” Jace said aloud to no one as he stood at the front door to the bungalow waiting for Colt to answer his knock. The doubt that plagued him for the last few days reared its ugly head. He knocked again, this time using the side of his balled up fist to pound against the wooden door. Jace stepped back on the porch and looked at the house, before stepping forward again and sticking his ear to the door to listen inside. He saw and heard nothing. No one was home.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024