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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“I want to do this right this time. You change into the trunks, if you want, and come down to the beach. I’m sorry I can’t take you out on a date just yet, because… well, you know. But I can spend time with you here, be with you right now, and that’s what I want. Get dressed and come outside,” Colt said, now standing by the bedroom door. Jace didn’t even have time to protest.

“Change! And stop looking like that. Let me do this right, Jace, baby,” Colt said, and left the bedroom, Jace still completely at a loss as to why they weren’t already naked with their dicks in each other’s mouths. They should be having sex by now. When did that stop being the plan?

Jace gave in and adjusted his cock in his shorts. He was so hard he had to stick his hand inside the waistband to fully adjust himself. His prick vehemently protested, but he wasn’t going to beg Colt to do him. Right? After reweighing that option, Jace finally turned back to the bed, eyeing the swim trunks. Colt was right; the bright floral print did suit him.

Chapter 4

The ocean churned just feet away from where they sat. The brightness of the full moon reflected perfectly on the breaking waves causing the whitecaps to shimmer as they rolled toward the island. Colt reached over to refill Jace’s wine glass as he’d done countless times over the last few hours, keeping them outside, enjoying each other’s company. At least, he hoped Jace enjoyed this as much as he did.

A small radio played in the background. The station was some sort of sultry island music, local to the area. The tiki torch flames danced in the cool tropical breeze casting soft shadows across the small patio table. In Colt’s mind, it whispered romance, exactly what he tried to accomplish.

All in all, Colt was proud of the time he’d spent in preparing for tonight. He really thought he’d pulled off a very seductive kind of scene. It was what he wanted most for tonight, to show Jace just how much he meant. As he placed the wine bottle back in the ice bucket, he weighed his options and decided neither of them was quite ready to give up their front row seats to nature’s very own moonlit performance. They both seemed to enjoy the evening.

Colt had given up stealing sideways glances at Jace hours ago. Now he was outright staring. Nothing in the beauty of their tropical paradise held the allure of the beautiful man sitting next to him. Jace could have easily been on the cover of any fashion magazine across the country. He had those boy next door meets surfer guy good looks. His sunny blond hair and tanned six pack cut abs turned Colt on like nothing else ever had before. Jace was made for turning heads at the beach or anywhere for that matter. From the moment Colt found out about this place, he’d wanted Jace right here with him.

“Wanna swim again?” Colt asked, taking Jace’s hand. They sat side by side at the table, facing the ocean.

“I’m fine right here. Unless you want to,” Jace said, his chest bare, one leg crossed over his knee, and he had no problem easily entwining their fingers together as if it was the most natural thing to do. Colt liked Jace’s easy familiarity.

“Nah, I’m good here, too,” Colt said, finally sitting back, casting his stare out into the ocean. They swam earlier tonight, eaten a huge crab and fish dinner, and drank a lot of beer and wine. Colt felt good, and he hoped Jace did too.

“Who was supposed to be here with you this week?” Jace asked out of the blue, his eyes remaining focused on the ocean. Colt looked over at him, watched him closely. The question was the first personal thing they’d said since they had been back out on the beach.

“No one, I was coming alone,” Colt replied.

“But they gave you two tickets?” Jace shot back. Not necessarily an accusation, still just a question.

“I had the ticket my agent gave me, and I bought yours. They offered to buy another ticket when they told me about this place, but I didn’t have anybody to bring. I almost didn’t come,” Colt said.

“You bought my ticket? I thought you said you had an extra ticket available,” Jace asked, his eyes locked on Colt’s. Jace tensed, straightening up in his chair as he started to stand.

“No, sit back. Relax like you were. I bought the ticket because I thought we could come down here, get away from everyone, and get to know each other. It’s not a big deal,” Colt confessed quickly. As he spoke, he reached out and pushed Jace back into the seat. No way did he want Jace bowed up tight. They were relaxed. He needed them relaxed.

“That was expensive,” Jace said, alarm in his voice.

“Money’s one problem I don’t seem to have right now. I have one hell of a credit line all of a sudden. Jace, please sit back. It’s the best money I’ve spent.” Jace didn’t listen to him. He could see Jace ticking off numbers in his head, trying to figure out how much the trip probably cost and if there was any way he could pay him back. Colt knew from all the years of watching Jace, he took every extra side job thrown his way. Colt hadn’t ever heard of Jace taking handouts. If he couldn’t pay, he didn’t do it. “Really, Jace, sit back… I wanted you to come with me.”

“Why?” Jace asked, sounding defensive.

“Do you ask all your dates why they spend time with you?” Colt questioned, trying for mischievous, but Jace just stared at him. Maybe Colt should have ended this evening a few minutes ago. The tension between them was building. Not terrible, but there nonetheless, and Jace finally seemed bolder after the alcohol, asking questions and wanting some answers.

“Man, really, relax. I wanted you here with me so I arranged it. I just feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time wanting you and doing nothing about it,” Colt said. He forced his eyes away, starring out over the moonlit ocean. His fingers tightened around Jace’s, and he could feel Jace’s eyes still on him.

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