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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“I jack off to you, too,” Jace blurted, a shy grin on his face. Colt watched as Jace’s body physically relaxed after his confession.

“Finally! You haven’t given me much back in the way of encouragement, but what you just said, that made my day,” Colt declared, his grin firmly back in place.

“Whatever! You’re Colton Michaels. Your girlfriend’s gonna be the next Miss America.”

“I told you, she’s not my girlfriend,” Colt protested, lifting the bottle to his lips, taking another guzzle, close to draining it now.

“Sure fooled me.”

“Nah, I really can’t tell you more, but let’s just say, her and I, we have a lot in common,” Colt said, waggling his eyebrows.

“No fucking way! You all need to quit hiding. If everyone would quit hiding and just be who they are, I wouldn’t have to be called a fucking fag every single day of my life,” Jace shot back with absolutely no malice. He grinned, tightening his hand around Colt’s.

“I’m not as strong as you. I wished I were, but I’m not. I’m not sure at this point if I ever will be.” Colt gave up and turned his seat toward Jace, facing him now. He placed the makeshift wine bucket on the table, keeping what was left of the bottle close by. “Let me tell you what I am sure of, what I want. I want you to fuck me tonight. I want you inside me. It’s my first time, but I know I liked your finger in my ass when we made out in the locker room. How do you feel about that?”

Jace grinned and rose from the chair, lifting Colt’s hand to help him up. Their thighs brushed against one another as he stood. “You’re finally speaking my language.”

Chapter 5

“I need a couple minutes,” Colt said as they entered the bungalow’s master bedroom. Jace’s nerves were back in full force, and if he was any judge, he figured Colt’s were too. The man had downed the last bottle of wine by himself in less than thirty minutes. Yeah, Colt was nervous, which made Jace that much more anxious.

“We don’t have to do this,” Jace said. Colt attempted to pull his hand free from Jace’s hold, but he held on tight, keeping them in place. “I don’t mind being on bottom. I love the feeling of you inside me.”

“No, I just need a minute, that’s all. I’ve thought about this night for a long time. I want this, and I want it with you.” Colt kissed Jace’s lips, a smile spread across his face. “I plan on doing this often. Just be gentle with me, or not. Whatever.” And with that, Colt gave a devilish smirk, winked, and turned on his heel, not bothering to look back as he stepped inside the bathroom.

“Pour us some more wine,” Colt called out as the door slammed shut behind him.

Jace stood in the middle of the room. The candles were there, unlit. He supposed they were there for a reason, so he found the lighter and began to light each one. It took some time, there had to be twenty-five candles placed around the room. Jace paused before lighting the last one, looking up in the dresser mirror to see his blond hair in a windblown mess. He took a second to straighten his haphazard hair before lighting the final candle.

About the same time, he heard the commode flush and the sink faucet turn off, but Colt didn’t come out. Jace stood in the middle of the bedroom, looking around. He spotted the bottle of wine Colt left chilling in the stew pot by the bed. The bottle sat in cold water now, the ice in the makeshift bucket completely melted. He didn’t think Colt would care as he plucked the bottle from the water and uncorked it, pouring two glasses. Colt still hadn’t come out of the bathroom.

Jace looked down at himself. His swim trunks were dry, he thought he looked fine, but then he lifted an arm and took a quick sniff. Yeah, he could use a quick shower. On a whim, he grabbed his duffel and searched the house for another bathroom. He found a partial bath off the living room. No shower, but he could sponge bathe, maybe do a quick sink wash of his hair. A yawn slipped out, causing Jace to fish out his phone. Two in the morning, Kauai time, seven in the morning, Texas time. He’d been up twenty-four hours, and he switched the water to cold to help wake him up.

Jace managed everything pretty quickly. He shaved, washed his hair, cleaned his body, paying close attention to his ass, and warred with himself the entire time as to whether he should put on a clean pair of swim trunks. He loved that Colt had bought him these trunks.

As he debated, his mind slipped to the one thing he hadn’t let himself consider since their time in the locker room. What in the hell was happening between them? This was like a whirlwind spinning completely out of control, making it hard to keep up. Yet somewhere tonight, Jace’s heart connected, and he hadn’t stopped it.

Jace stood at the mirror, looking at his reflection, his swim trunks in hand, and he finally yielded to the thoughts crossing his mind. Colt Michaels was in the other room, waiting for him to come fuck him. Never in a million years would he have seen that coming. The nagging doubt of a very well-planned practical joke didn’t hold much weight anymore. Colt really seemed into him. Colton Michaels for God’s sake! Surreal didn’t begin to describe this moment.

For nothing more than a shield, Jace tugged fresh swim trucks on before he cleaned up his mess in the bathroom. By his estimation, he’d been in there about fifteen minutes. It was time to get back, face this night, and see where he and Colt were really headed in all of this.

All the lights were off in the house. Only the lit candles flickering out into the hall guided him to their room. He paused outside the bedroom door and listened. He could hear Colt breathing and maybe drinking. Drinking from the open wine bottle, if the sloshing he heard was anything to go by. Jace grinned at Colt’s need for liquid courage.

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