Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 15

“Okay, it’s settled, blowjob first, sightseeing second,” Jace said, spreading his legs as Colt moved to lie between his parted thighs.

“Blowjob first, fucking you second, and sightseeing third,” Colt corrected, seconds before he slid the tip of Jace’s cock inside his mouth. Jace lost all reason as he dropped his head back on the beach towel, savoring the warmth of the sun and the eagerness of his hot lover.


Jace sat strategically across a four top table from Colt, wishing there would have been another table open. Unfortunately, the cabin was full by the time he and Colt went through the buffet line. All the good seats were taken. He picked at the shrimp dinner he’d chosen off the buffet. They offered fish, chicken, and shrimp, and every plate came with two scoops of rice, one scoop of macaroni salad, and pineapple bars for dessert. The odd combination was something his healthy side seemed to reject, but he justified all the extra carbs because who really cared what you ate when you sat across the table from Colt Michaels.

They were late getting to the trails, but managed to spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon on the hike. They hadn’t been able to hike the full Kalalau trail like they’d planned, actually what Colt thought would be a short hike surprised both of them. They only got as far as Hanakapi’ai Beach before turning back in order to make their dinner cruise in time.

Another big time destroyer was the secluded make-out session in Colt’s rental car. Jace successfully fought Colt’s octopus arms, keeping his clothes in place while they sat in the parking lot of the cruise line. Colt did everything he could to talk Jace out of getting on this boat and just going back home. But in Jace’s far too reasonable mind, Colt had already paid for everything in advance; he spent a couple hundred dollars on the dinner cruise alone, and he felt like they needed to see it through. Besides, in Jace’s estimation, they were doing a great job at pulling off the friends deal, and he really wanted to see the amazing coastline from a huge catamaran. Who knew if he would ever be back in Hawaii again?

Based on all the female attention at their table, Jace decided he might not have been wise in insisting they eat in the main cabin. The girls wouldn’t leave them alone, they never got a minute’s break from all the attention, and there was zero chance to look out on the Hawaiian coastline. Every available table had an obstructed view. No matter how Jace twisted or turned, he couldn’t keep an eye on the island as they passed by.

From the deck, the views were gorgeous. They drew Jace in, mesmerizing coastline for as far as the eye could see. Emerald green pinnacles towered above the turquoise water, and velvet green cliffs were decorated with waterfalls that plummeted into deep, narrow valleys. The colors alone were amazing; at times the sheer sea cliffs looked as if they’d been hand painted with the red dirt of Kauai. Jace snapped hundreds of photos, wanting to remember every minute of the tour. Regretfully, none included Colt, although he seriously wanted to. He was forced to etch the memory in his brain of how handsome Colt looked leaning against the rail with the majestic coastline backdrop behind him.

Alcohol was flowing like crazy for the entire trip, and spring break had the cruise packed full of tourists. The whole experience was beyond anything Jace’s lower middle class background had ever before offered. Being on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was something Jace never thought he’d get an opportunity to do, and he truly loved every minute. He just wished he could share the experience with Colt like a normal couple.

Jace didn’t begrudge the flirtatious banter of the two current females parked at the table with them, or the ones who’d hiked along beside them through the trails. Much like the coastline outside, Colt just had that draw. People flocked to him like flies to honey. From the time they started the hike, until the time they were back seated in the car, people they met along the way seemed to cling and follow them everywhere. And it had nothing to do with Jace. He learned early on, his entire game plan for the day was to stay quiet, and that’s pretty much what he’d done. For Colt, this seemed a big fun game, sneaking private moments and simple touches when no one was looking. To Jace, it was just incredibly stressful to hide his body’s reaction from everyone around him every time Colt made one of those bold, secret moves.

Acting straight with girls flirting was another incredibly difficult thing for Jace. In no time of his life could he ever remember any girl actually coming on to him. He grew up in a small town, all his years in the same school system with the same group of friends. From the time he was a little boy, he’d loved gymnastics and dance. His very well-adjusted, stable parents knew about his sexuality before he ever did. He cheered from junior high all the way through high school. Girls were his friends, never a romantic interest, and they always just somehow knew he was gay. That same attitude lasted through college. He couldn’t remember being hit on by a girl one time in his entire life, until these two at the table popped into his life.

Neither seemed to clue in on his sexual orientation or Colt’s for that matter, and both looked eager for whichever one wanted the hook-up. Jace gave Colt one hundred percent of the credit. He could totally see the football guys all wanting to be Colt’s wingman. Colt’s good looks and fun attitude would draw the females in for the whole group of guys.

“Don’t you like your drink,” Colt asked from across the table. All eyes were trained on Jace, and he realized his internal dialog must have been noticeable.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024