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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“Final call for flight two thirty-seven.” Those words got Jace moving. The perpetual smile of the last few days faltered. What if Colt had been there with him when something like that happened? Colt wasn’t experienced in those kinds of moments, and for the first time in days, Jace thought about Colt’s dad. No way was he ever going to be okay with Colt being gay. They’d have to hide forever from Colt’s family. His dad was a brutal, angry kind of guy, the direct opposite of Colt. No way they could ever tell him.

Some of the confidence Jace gained while being on this island seeped away as he walked down the jet bridge to the airplane. Was he crazy for thinking this could work? Jace forced the thoughts from his mind and palmed his iPod, turning the wheel to his favorite playlist. He wasn’t thinking about this right now. Colt said they could work, and he’d believe him. It was what his heart told him to do


Chapter 9

Somehow, being in downtown Austin at eight-thirty on a Monday morning, the day after spring break, wasn’t terrible. Colt sat happily in the waiting area just outside his agent’s twenty-seventh floor, impressive corner office. It had been hinted to him on several occasions that the corner office, with the amazing view, was just one of the few perks of being high up on the professional sports management food chain—whatever that meant.

His agent, Johnny Bench, was a legend in this industry. His clients were local sports heroes. Colt had been told many times how lucky he was to have Johnny on his side. He’d only gotten the chance because of the connection Johnny shared with his father. They had played professional football together over twenty years ago. Colt had known Uncle Johnny his entire life. He was even Colt’s godfather.

The agent’s secretary, Mrs. O’Rielly, sat at the front desk, right outside his office. She was a little bit of a woman, and older. Maybe even in her seventies, but she’d been in this office every time Colt had come since he was a little boy. She had always been kind.

When he was a kid, he remembered how he loved to stop by when his father would visit. She always had suckers and candy, with drawers full of coloring books and crayons. She’d sometimes even let him play on her computer. But not today, that friendly attitude vanished. She sat there stoned-faced, staring at her computer screen, ignoring Colt completely. Maybe there was too much spring break for everyone.

From Colt’s perspective, it wasn’t a bad thing to be ignored. He was totally exhausted. He didn’t much feel like carrying on a conversation about the weather. An unexpected jaw cracking yawn tore free, and he realized his eyes were drooping closed as he sat there waiting. If he wasn’t careful, he’d be asleep soon. He didn’t think that was how professionals handled themselves, and he sat up straighter in his chair, forcing his eyes wide open.

He wasn’t a kid anymore. He was an adult with responsibilities and commitments. One being the super-hot boyfriend he’d just committed himself to, and didn’t that feel great? Colt was head over heels in love with Jace Montgomery. And everything inside him wanted to take care of Jace for the rest of their lives. Thank God Jace felt the same way.

Colt had the entire nine hour flight to plan. When he arrived back home, he got them a room at a nearby hotel, planned room service, and then just hung out at the airport waiting for Jace’s plane to arrive. When Jace walked off the jet bridge and into the terminal, Colt’s heart was set right.

He took Jace back to the room, fed him, made love to him, and slept with him in his arms. Funny how Colt resisted the idea of them going back to their old lives; he wanted more from Jace than a secret relationship. Jace deserved more. Hell, Jace deserved everything.

Colt made Jace promise again to stay with him no matter where he lived. With this trip to Hawaii, Colt had solidly opened the closet door and was about to step out. There was no way he was ever going back to being that scared, hiding guy again. Jace made him whole, and he couldn’t wait to share this with the world. Jace was his everything, just like he’d always been, but now Jace returned the feelings, and didn’t that feel fan-fucking-tastic?

As Colt drove to the office today, he made the decision he wasn’t hiding Jace. It wasn’t fair to ask Jace to keep their relationship a secret. Fuck anyone who wanted him to hide. He could manage whatever was thrown his way as long as Jace stood by his side.

“He’s ready to see you,” Mrs. O’Rielly said. She never looked his way. She didn’t show him to the door like she normally did. Instead, she got up from her desk, and walked a wide circle around him, closing the main door to this part of the corporate office. Colt eyed her as he made his way to his agent’s office. Her actions were confusing, but he didn’t question them. Nothing was going to interrupt his high now that he was a man in full-fledged love. Damn, his future was so bright, he might need to stop and buy some new sunglasses before picking Jace up and going back to school!

Colt looked down at his feet and grinned as he opened the door, trying to make his face a little more passive. He hadn’t said the words to Jace, but he did love him. They were young, just starting their lives, but with all his heart, Colt loved Jace Montgomery. Regardless of what anyone might think, this wasn’t an instant love kind of deal. Colt had four years of gradually falling head over heels. His future began and ended in Jace’s caring hands. Colt just needed Jace to catch up, and he planned to focus on that over the next few months until they moved to whatever team picked him up.

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