Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 31

Jace was the motivation behind this stab at sobriety. Maryia was a cold-hearted bitch. She had sworn to out Colt, but worse than that, she had threatened Jace. She would do whatever it took to destroy him, and he had inadvertently given her an arsenal of information about Jace’s life. She vowed to make up horrific rumors and leak them if he didn’t do exactly what she wanted. That’s why he would never pick up another drink again. Jace needed to be protected. Colt had failed once, but never again.

A crash came from the bedroom, and then a round of laughter had Colt looking over at the closed door. He cringed. No telling what was going on in there. He slowly made his way to the door, pausing before he entered. He needed to pack a few things before he left, but they were all awake now. He’d cleaned out as much of their stash as he could find. All the noise probably came from them looking for a hit.

Colt manned up and opened the door.

The site greeting him shocked his almost-sober mind. He recoiled at the thought of being in the middle of them last night. They all turned to look as he stepped inside the room. Maryia straddled his driver. Her hair hung in a long tangled mess and her silicone breasts bounced in Clint’s face. The other female was equally as naked and lay there taking a hit from a pipe. Apparently he hadn’t found it all.

“Join us, man,” Clint said, gripping Maryia’s ass with his hands, spreading her for his view. “She likes you in her ass while I’m fucking her.”

Maryia giggled and gripped Clint’s dick, sinking right down on top of him. All conversation stopped as the female on the bed moved to join them. Colt turned away and went straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Maryia might be controlling him right now, but when he got back, none of that would ever be happening again. He was a determined man.


Thirty minutes later, Colt opened the bathroom door with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. They were still going at it on the bed. No surprise there, those were usually hours’ long sessions. Colt planned to be long gone before they realized he was no longer in the house. A note should suffice his bride-to-be. He certainly didn’t think she would curtail any of her activities in his absence. Clint seemed to be her latest object of desire, and the guy had no problem doing her bidding, whatever that might be.

Colt walked into the bedroom, keeping his head down and his eyes averted until it registered there was an additional person in the room. Colt looked up to see Maryia and the other female making out on the bed. His father sat spellbound on the side of the bed, watching the two naked women kiss while Clint moved to join them. His father’s hand disappeared inside his golf shorts, a look of depravity in his eyes as he leered at the women. His dad was a sixty-eight-year-old perv, watching his future daughter in-law fuck a woman and another man. His father sat so entranced by the scene before him he hadn’t yet noticed Colt’s exit from the bathroom.

Colt weighed his options and decided he’d try to make it out unnoticed. His dad disgusted him. Colt lived the life his father made for him. How fucked up was that? It took Colt years to realize his father hadn’t done all this just for him, but instead for himself. Larry Michaels lived the high life on Colt’s dime, and they had never gotten past the ass whoopin’ his father had given him in Johnny’s office all those years ago. His father controlled him by never letting him forget how easily he had kicked his ass that day.

A few years ago, Colt had finally grown some balls and fired his father as his manager. It took finding out his financial status had him somewhere close to flat broke, even after signing a multi-million dollar contract for the second time in his career. His father’s spending habits had Colt on the verge of bankruptcy. For the last two years, he tried hard to shake the old man loose, but he hung on like a leech, sucking the very life out of Colt.

There would definitely be restrictions on his old man after he got back from rehab. Thank God his mother hadn’t lived long enough to witness that dirty old man jacking off to a twenty-five-year-old whore. The moment somehow built Colt’s resolve. He was cleaning up his act, forever. He’d never allow himself to become like Larry Michaels.

Colt stayed close to the wall and moved slowly across the bedroom to avoid attracting attention; he made it to the hallway undetected, and breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped into the living room. Colt grabbed his phone off the table and placed it in his pocket. He did a quick check for his wallet and keys before heading toward the door. He’d wait for Dr. Knox at the man’s office. He couldn’t stand being anywhere near this place or those people. He didn’t want this life another minute longer.

Chapter 14

February 2013

Silently counting off to the beat of the music blaring overhead, Jace stood at the front of the spring floor mat, watching each stunt group lift their flyer into the air simultaneously. Frustration narrowed his brow. This was his cream of the crop coed team, reigning world champions for four years in a row, national champions for even longer. The ones every other cheerleading gym in the world aspired to beat. And for some reason, they couldn’t hold their stunts five days before Nationals. Not good.

Jace let the young coaching staff continue to count out loud and the cheerleaders continue in their routine for about thirty seconds longer, then he lifted his eyes to the sound room above. At his cue, the music came to an abrupt end and so did the cheerleading routine. Silence filled the large gym, and everyone turned their gaze toward him, waiting for Jace to speak.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024