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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“You’ve bought a home there, I understand?” she asked. He lifted his brow, realizing she had done her homework. No one should have known of the house he’d just bought on Kauai.

“Yes. It’s been ten years since I’ve seen it. I’ll be going there for the first time in the next couple of weeks.”

“You bought it and haven’t seen it in ten years?” she asked, lifting a perfectly arched eyebrow, sounding a little disbelieving.

“Yes, it’s actually where I vacationed my senior year in college. And I happened across it on a real estate site. It was a very good trip.” The reporter laughed at his response, and thankfully finished the interview, turning back to the professional. She asked all the questions he was prepped for, and his nerves settled the more they got through the Q&A session. He was much more comfortable talking about the world of cheerleading than anything to do with his personal life. They ended the interview with a formal walk-through of the facility.

Jace’s cheer gym measured the largest in the world and housed state of the art equipment throughout. They toured the long halls to the locker rooms, gym entrance, and trampoline areas. They walked the length of the banner and trophy case wall. His public relations firm had enlarged several pictures highlighting the gym’s last ten years and placed them all over the facility. Jace and the reporter walked slowly past each one, with the cameraman filming the entire time. She continued asking him questions along the way. Finally, they came to the end of the tour where one of his college pictures hung. It had been taken at the Rose Bowl game. The picture showed him and his stunt partner in a tight, perfectly executed full up cupie. In this particular picture, Colt stood in the background staring in the general direction of the camera.

“I forgot Colton Michaels went to school at Texas Longhorn University. You cheered those years he played there?” Sandra stopped walking and stood in front of the picture. Jace could almost see her mind working, hoping to get some scoop on the world famous athlete from back in the day.

“Yes, we graduated the same year,” Jace said, trying to move away from the picture, but Sandra wouldn’t budge. She stayed rooted right in front of the picture, moving to the side so the camera could get a good shot.

“Wow, did you know him?”

“No, not really, just in passing. We were at the Rose Bowl for this shot. We all traveled together quite a bit, the cheerleaders and football players that is. But no, I wouldn’t say I knew him. He wouldn’t remember me, now, anyway. I’m sure of it. He went on to a huge career in the NFL.” Jace stared at the picture a second longer, looking at the youthful, devilishly gorgeous Colt, wishing he’d caught this picture before it was hung so he could have prevented it.

“He’s getting married next week. His fiancée is Maryia Cherchesov, the Russian supermodel. I wondered if you could tell me what he was like back in college? Theirs is the wedding of the century. It would be great to have something on him that no one knows.”

Jace stayed quiet, turning back to the picture. His heart filled with a small ache as he remembered their short time together. Even after all this time, he still hadn’t gotten over those few days they’d shared. What could he say? This year’s MVP, Super Bowl winning quarterback loved to bottom? Even thinking such a thing had betrayal knotting in his stomach, pain nudging at his heart.

Jace had never breathed a word to anyone of their special time together, nor would he ever. But looking at this picture now, he knew the truth as to why he planned to leave for vacation. The wedding coverage of the man he still stupidly and deeply loved would be too hard to watch. The complete truth about super athlete Colton Michaels? He was the man who in five short days set the bar too high for anyone else to ever live up too. God, I’m too old to be this pathetic!

“Like I said, I didn’t really know him at all. I can’t speak on him, except to say he was loved on campus and seemed to be a good guy. The school spirit was high the day of his first round draft pick. Those were great days. I wish him the best, always have.”

Chapter 15

“Goddammit, Colt, stop throwing my coke away! That shit costs money. The money you keep throwing fucking fits over. Get a clue, ass. I’m spending it over and over again because you keep flushing my shit away!” Maryia screamed at Colt. He ignored her anger as he stood in the kitchen, making a turkey sandwich. He needed to amend that thought. He stood in his brand new, way overpriced kitchen in a downtown New York City penthouse.

“I’ll throw it away every fucking time I find it. The tequila’s gone, too. You look like shit, you need to eat something,” Colt said, taking a big bite in front of her. He made a delicious moaning sound and rolled his eyes to the heavens. Colt loved to tease her about food, because the woman refused to eat.

“I hate you! Do you understand that? I hate you!” Maryia screamed, whirling from the counter, banging open the swinging kitchen doors as she barreled from the room.

“Feelings mutual, bitch. You know the way to get rid of me!” Colt hollered back at her and took another bite, counting off in his head. On the count of three, tropical storm Maryia barreled back through the kitchen, leaning over the granite countertop, trying to get in his face.

“I’m not ever leaving you, gay boy! You’ll never be rid of me!” She screeched the words and he took another bite, although he’d completely lost his appetite. The perfectly made sandwich tasted like sawdust, and he knew he had to get out of the house fast. She was in such a rage, Jace’s name would be flying from her lips soon and someday he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from shutting her hateful, nasty mouth. It was remarkable he hadn’t already.

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