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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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He hated what he’d become, and what he was being forced to do. He swore the cancerous pit in his stomach grew larger every day, and for the first time in months, he seriously reevaluated his plan to stay sober. Colt had been sober for two hundred and seventy-eight days. With each day passing, he grew to hate his life a little bit more. How had he let things get this out of control? Yeah, Colt knew the answer. He’d drank from sun up to sun up every day for the last ten years of his life.

Shockingly, Colt had finally kicked his alcohol habit, yet played some of the best football of his life. Who would have ever thought that could be possible? It was the only positive in his life.

Clearly, Colt remembered all too well the circumstances surrounding the moment he took his last drink. Correction, he took his last drink the following day. That night he drank until he became stupid drunk in order to fuck Maryia and her friend like she wanted. When he got drunk, he didn’t care who he fucked, just as long as he got to fuck. Colt got to the point where he drank to wake up from the hellish hangovers, and he drank to escape the pain in his heart at being so deep in the closest he couldn’t see his way out. Alcohol could be a sneaky little bastard. It made him truly believe he’d kicked his homosexual tendency. How stupid was that?

One interesting point he now realized, Jace Montgomery still starred in every single major event of his life. It took the chance of Jace being hurt again to make him see what he really had become. Not the multiple You Tube videos of him drunk, acting an ass, or being the cocky jerk he became when he drank. There were also You Tube videos of him being arrested for public intoxication. But none of those sobered him up like Maryia threatening what he held most precious in his life.

Being sober and being forced to be honest with himself, he knew Jace Montgomery was the man he loved above all others. The first time he’d laid eyes on Jace was before school even started. The tall blond cheerleader stood on the sidelines, looking hot as hell in his snug fitting uniform, but it was the smile he wore that melted Colt.

The memories soothed Colt as he undressed. Jace was clean-cut and unspoiled. He’d somehow managed to escape all the hate and bitterness so many gay men hung on to. Running his hands through his short-cropped dark hair, Colt let out a sigh. He shed his pants and his shirt, thinking over their first time together. Colt stayed late one afternoon, conditioning in the gym like he always did when he needed to clear his mind. He noticed Jace in a connecting gym. He couldn’t keep his eyes off him.

Jace worked a cheer clinic for tryouts, and like normal, Colt knew everything there was to know about the guy and his schedule. Colt knew Jace had an easygoing attitude. Jace laughed easily, and when he did, his eyes lit up, which made Colt’s heart race.

Colt observed Jace’s entire session that day, admiring him for staying late to help a new potential cheerleader master some skill. But when the session ended, he watched Jace enter the locker room alone. Colt waited a few minutes before he picked his towel up off the bench and followed. Like a perv, he stood with his arm propped against the tile wall, quietly watching Jace in the shower. Jace was beautifully made. Tall with a hard athletic body, his muscles tensed and flexed as he ran the soap over his tanned skin. His sun-streaked blond hair transformed to dark when wet. He longed to run his fingers through those dripping strands and take Jace’s mouth in a drowning kiss.

Jace looked so very good and fucking hot as hell. His perfectly cut dick hung temptingly between his legs as the water poured over his body. When Jace turned to soap his back, his ass could only be described as mouthwatering. He was such a turn on to watch that Colt’s hands had clenched into fists, aching to grip that tight ass.

Instinct more than anything pushed Colt to approach Jace, cornering him at his locker. Jace seemed so confused at first, but their kiss set everything right. Their sex was magical. It surprised Colt when Jace seemed to want him as badly as he wanted Jace. Colt stood slightly taller than Jace and a little more muscular. He dominated Jace, fucking him hard without a condom, right there for anyone to walk in and see.

Now, walking through his condo to the living room, Colt didn’t bother with clothing. He preferred to stay nude. There were no drapes or window blinds, but he lived on the top floor of the high-rise. And he honestly just didn’t give a shit anymore. Every time Colt allowed the memories of Jace to surface, he couldn’t rid himself of the nagging guilt that twisted his stomach as he recalled the pain he’d put in Jace’s eyes. Colt would never forget the look etched on Jace’s face, the betrayal in Jace’s eyes, when his football buddies shoved him through the bar.

Colt sat there and let it all happen, not saying a word to stop their vicious attack. He just stared down at the dirty floor as their hurtful words echoed through his mind, and the tails his father hired watched both his and Jace’s every move. Colt hated himself for being a coward, for not standing up and stopping them. Most of all, he had hated knowing he was just as much a fag as Jace and too afraid to speak up.

God, Colt regretted his actions. The pain in Jace’s eyes still haunted him to this day. He’d been wrong to end their relationship the way he had, but at the time, he’d feared his father would go after Jace like he had his own son. Colt had no choice but to put separation between them. After Hawaii, after all the deep love crap he’d confessed, he needed to distance himself to keep them safe and to keep his career going, like his fucking father dictated.

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